Two Weeks
On April 11, 2013, I celebrated a birthday; a milestone birthday I may add. Of course it was bittersweet…many friends, family and new friends wished me well. That is the sweet part of it friends and family all around me …I know and realize how truly lucky I am.
I cannot help but focus on the bitter part of it as well. I am older, no longer, a young girl starting out but a woman with all these years behind her, trying to still figure it out and always ask; where did the time go? Are birthdays just a reminder of another year added and reflections of our choices, or should it be a celebration?

What transpired around my birthday was, that I allowed certain events to over shadow the good and because of that, it became a bittersweet event. When I started out blogging, I promised myself that I was going to be as truthful and open as one can be, but the difficulty of that undertaking is that certain things cannot be shared. Therefore, I apologize for the secrecy ….all I can say is the experience that I felt was most likely a fear, what followed was confusion.
Therefore, since my birthday, I am working on resolving a few things….change is inevitable….but more importantly is that what is done is done, I cannot change my past so I accept all of it. I have too because I have to make the next phase of my life the wonderfulness it deserves to be…..and I know it should be and it could be; because only I can make me feel that way…. I forgive my past and accept it…
The Forsythias did bloom on my birthday; I was so worried because before April 11 they were bare.
We were invited to our friends’ son’s 1st Communion celebration and I was presented with a wonderful personal cake! Thank You, my friends!
All I can say it was divine!
My sister took me out for lunch and I had the best salad….and spicy tuna roll. The salad was,
Wild Warm Mushroom, Goat Cheese, Salad Mixed Greens, Garlic Trûffle Sauce…. I am still craving it! Thank you, Silvana, it was scrumptious!
At home, that evening we had a spaghetti and meatball dinner; a favorite of mine; and our traditional Hostess cupcake birthday celebration with just hubby and the kids…..I kept it very low-key.
I received roses and a gift of my choice from hubby and the kids.
The kids got me a card with a Wonder Woman Magnet!
My friend Laurie dropped this card on my doorstep with flowers; thank you, my friend…loved it!
Teddy is wishing me a Happy Birthday, and telling me to be happy and smile!
(Poor little guy, desperate need of some grooming…soon!)
The celebration continues….
On April 12, 2010, we became a family; a judge granted us Parental rights to these two monsters:
We celebrated at Izumi Hibachi
Japanese soda that the kids ordered
Of course, we had hot Saki!
My Family!
I was also honored in my new friend’s blog:
Peanut on the table
The great soup race is a post about Mom’s and I was so honored; not only was Mangia Mangia…No Talk mentioned and that my friend Tammy wished me wonderful birthday wishes, but that the tribute was in a blog about Moms on the day I became a mom! That was a true gift that the universe or God wanted me to see; which was:
Don’t Worry….Everything will be OK!
Well, I did say in the beginning of this post that I am lucky; I have great people around me. Some came into my life conventionally, and some unconventionally…in the end, does it matter if I met you on the internet because of this blog; or if we were stolen (which is true that did happen, friends stole us from other friends!)
No, it doesn’t make a difference how we became friends; because what matters to me now is how we make each other feel, actually it is how you make me feel, which is, I am important to you! I feel the same, you are important to me too! We are all connected and because of that, I thank everyone …you are all in my heart forever!
This week on the menu will be Stuffed Peppers…I will post next!
Mangia, Mangia…No Talk!
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Marisa, Happy belated birthday!!! Looks like you really are blessed with a wonderful family taking good care of you!… I love those habatchi (think that's how its spelled ours is) restaurants… I sometimes try and do that at home and food ends up on the floor…I hope this year is full of blessings for you!!!
Thank you, Thank you!!!!!
if that is you sitting in front of that little cake in the candlelight… and it is… you are beautiful!
and you know a funny thing ~ i've seen it before ~ perhaps it god's way of knitting a family in his own way ~ but adopted children and their adopted parents start to resemble each other. and as time goes on they begin to look just like each other! or enough that you'd never know the wonderful family was 'chosen' rather than 'happened.' how lovely that is.
well. rambling here! as always.
i'm glad you had a grand celebration of everything! you are loved.
the past is past. and you are wise to know what's truly important.
and to know all that is really a good thing for one so young.
(for you really are young! whether you think so or not!) LOL xo
Marisa, obviously this is such a heartfelt post. You do have so much to celebrate, important things, not the least of which is that you were celebrating the anniversary of being Mom to those wonderful two kids! That card you showed says it all. You were designed by God for a specific reason and are so far from ordinary. Marisa, whatever you worry about, please don't let it ever be bittersweet again because the past is just that, it is the past. This is now, each new day to live and love. Some people are never granted another 24 hours so treasure it.
And for goodness sake–don't burn the stuffed peppers! My husband loves them!
Miss Tammy Thank you so much, yes that is me by the cake; I am not sure how hubby did it but he was able to capture a smile from me!LOL! Yes about my kids they do remind me and Nick of us; my son has these gentlemanly qualities like my husband and my daughter is a mini me with more attitude…which I love. Sorry about not responding earlier, last night was crazy…poor Teddy went to the Vet for a grooming yesterday morning and that dirty dog did not get home until 9:30…but he does look handsome now! I wasn't worried just anxious thinking he was upset from being away from us….so Nick went and picked him up (I dropped him off in the morning, I thought I could run over and pick him up at my lunch break when that didn't we thought for sure by 6 pm) Well like I said 9:30 he came in and that little stinker ignored me, of course daddy was the hero! Thank you again loved your posts; I will respond soon!
Dewena, Thank you for your kind words… I loved that card I loved the sentiment, but more importantly receiving from this one friend was what made it more special. Yes you are right the past is the past and truly I just realized it….no matter how I fret and worry that I should have done this, or should have done that it won't change and my regrets is wasted energy…and to truly move forward I need to put behind me accept it and carry on… truthfully its not a major thing but a series of should haves…I think we all have them? Thank you once again!
Stuff peppers are in the oven tonight will post soon!