This Week’s Ten Things of Thankful; is brought to you by the Letter R

This Week’s Ten Things of Thankful; is brought to you by the Letter R
This Week’s Ten Things of Thankful; is brought to you by the Letter R, let me explain.
Since the kids were little, in order to help build their language skills, and vocabulary, we always played some sort of game at the dinner table – we stopped because after all; you know they know everything now.
This week while having dinner, James decided that we needed to play a game again, so without missing a beat, he chose a letter and a category and we had to name something pertaining to the category and starting with the chosen letter… I was very surprised that Amelia did very well. We started playing this game since Thursday, played it on Friday, and even though we went out for dinner on Saturday at IHOP that didn’t stop us.
IHOP – we went to dinner at IHOP and the kids actually ate breakfast…YAY!  I have mentioned before how hubby and I love breakfast for dinner; both kids have voiced an aversion to this choice – but last night they came around and had breakfast – yay again.
Amelia finished her 200 hour literacy reading program – it was two hours at the library with a student teacher and what I thought was going be a 10 week program turned into a 3 ½ week or 4 week program.  We were getting home, having dinner, and bringing her to the library by 7 pm, for a few weeks. 
Amelia has become very enthusiastic about reading …YAY!
I am thankful that James helped with taking care of both dogs this week – My sister’s dog was with us and James helped walk him and feed him along with doing the same for our Teddy.
I am happy that these two got along with one another 



As my friend, Tammy commented the short and long of it.
In truth, I was not in a very good mood this past week.  I am thankful that I can have quiet moments to myself, and that everyone around me recognizes when I need to be alone.
Having said that, I am thankful that I can watch a corny movie to lift my spirits, without any judgment and interruption, and crochet too. 
Thanks Nicky for doing the food shopping – enough said!
Mangia, Mangia…No Talk!!!


0 thoughts on “This Week’s Ten Things of Thankful; is brought to you by the Letter R”

  • We've played that game at the dinner table, too. Now that the little kids are getting big enough, it is time to bring it back. Thanks for the reminder!
    My kids and I so enjoy breakfast for dinner. If only my husband would get on board. It's to the point where I don't mind if Bryan misses dinner, as we get to have pancakes that night. 🙂
    It has to be a relief to see Amelia enjoying reading. It is certainly cause for celebration! Let me know if you need book recommendations!
    Lastly, which corny movie did you watch?

  • The quiet alone was only allowed on kids wouldn't let me after that. yesterday was spent in the kitchen cooking dinner, and for the week – I was allowed to write in the early morning but during the cooking time we were all outside enjoying the day. it was very nice,

    Isn't breakfast for dinner the best?

  • Oh Bryan has no idea what he is missing – i love pancakes for dinner, and french toast – LOL
    Amelia is really trying she is 11 so some the age appropriate books are still hard so we are reading them together – at the moment her independent reading is content with a flow Dr Seuss, poetry/rhyming and non fiction too, Amelia Bedelia, Ivy and Bean- she is reading this book that the reading level is up there and doing well but she is reading with me or my husband next to her the student teacher gave it to her – her interest level peaked because she wants to know what happens next 🙂 any recommendation is always welcome.
    I started watching 50 First Dates, then I watched Mama Mia – kids outside it was pleasant.

  • Thank you – how we play the game is – lets say James starts the game – he picks a letter and category so if picks the letter "R" and "Color" the person next to him goes first and says Red – the next says another color starting the letter R , then the next person does the same when it gets back to him he is the last person to name something with the letter R- then the next person picks a new letter and can also decide if the category should be changed.

    Thank you my friend…


  • i always feel I've stopped in for coffee when i read your posts!
    and love the picture of you and teddy bear in the reflection. unusual and lovely!
    and… so glad amelia is discovering the joy of reading. the american girl series are fun. about girls her age all through history. might be worth trying. they have the dolls to match each little heroine.
    well. off to start my day. not as busy as yours is going to be. thanks for the coffee love! xo♥

  • Oh Tammy I would enjoy having a cup of coffee, tea or beer with you…thank you for stopping by it must be hard typing comments i hope you feeling a little better – thank you again take care…btw Amelia loves American Girl and has one book – thanks for reminding me, that picture was taken in my driveway with my phone the two of them were looking down the driveway,,,it was cute to see them both at the door.

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