The Next Stop on the Virtual Blog Tour…is here!

The Next Stop on the Virtual Blog Tour…is here!
Hello Everyone, I was invited by Susan F from  for the virtual blog tour. Over at ofeverymoment you can read about so many subject, topics/advise and even fiction. Susan has a story that she waits for her word prompts to continue adding to the plot. I cannot wait to read more about Maria and the dubious plant she smuggled out of Mexico; I think I said enough except the plot thickens.  
Both Susan and I participated in the May NaBloPoMo on Blogher; she found me and liked a post, when I went over to visit her blog, I immediately fell in love with ofeverymoment because of her writing and all the beautiful photos of her home state Montana.  Although I never visited the state of Montana, the state holds a special place in my heart because my Nonno; yes the same man that would say Mangia, Mangia…No Talk; was born there.  My great-grandparents emigrated there from Italy. When they arrived at Ellis Island, they heard the word work, and were sent to Montana, where my great-grandfather worked as a coal-miner; sadly, the winters were long and cold and after some years, they returned to Calabria Italy.
The tour participants are asked three questions and here are my questions and my answers
What am I working on?
Currently I am participating in NaBloPoMo challenge for my other blog SquaareKat, along with writing for Mangia, Mangia…No Talk- so my time, thoughts, and brainstorming are in two different places.  Mangia, Mangia No Talk is a food blog and I write and post recipes of the meals or dishes that I cook for family and friends. Each week I also link with several bloggers for the Ten Things of Thankful- created and started by the talented Lizzi R at Considerings Life in Silver Linings;
this is a great exercise for me so that I can recognize the good of the week. Which is so important, each week I go over what occurred for that week; I am always surprised that I can be thankful for ten things, plus some, after the post is written.  On the sidelines, I am always honing something whether it is the writing, learning all about blog world and always trying new recipes – its summer we are eating a bit lighter so I experiment with meals, ingredients and trying to take better care of ourselves.
How does my work differ from others of its genre?
MMNT is a food blog – the meals I cook are the same meals that all the women in my family cooked.  We are talking generations- most of them have sparked memories, so I write about and share those memories with my family, sometimes I am so passionate what I am writing about you can feel my exuberance and the success it created at my table – please feel free to browse all of my posts – lastly after 169 days I posted my 100th post.
Why do I write/create what I do?
I am not sure why I do what I do. The only explanation that I think I can come up with is; this need to express myself must be in my genes. if I’m not writing, I am cooking and creating a feast, if I am not cooking I am doing some sort of craft project . I am quite handy with a glue gun, but  I have also dabbled in cross-stitch, and a couple of years ago I taught myself how to crochet….having said all of that I have been writing poetry since I was 5 years old. Like I said before I probably been this way, because everyone around me always did something, I hardly remember anyone doing nothing. 
How does your writing/creating process work?
The quick answer is the theme song from Gilligan’s Island. I was once stumped, because I could not remember the first word to the song …hence, I was not able to start to sing it or finish it.  Hey, I remembered “a three hour tour” but that was it – finally I remembered the first word, and that darn song flowed out quite easily – I have the same theory with my writing, get that first word down, and it will flow easily.  Obviously, it is not that easy –it sometimes takes me hours to have something down on paper and sometimes its quick and easy.  My goal is to write more on the weekends, the early mornings on Saturdays and Sundays, so that I can schedule the posts during the week. That has not happened yet.  The technical writing process is; I write it on MS-Word, read it over several times – have my husband edit the post, then I copy it and paste in blogger draft, add my pictures, and work on final touches.  That is it …. Is that how everyone does it?
My next call of duty is to invite three other bloggers to continue the tour.  – I had already committed to today’s post and did not want to back out of it. The original three I had asked were not able to do it, and it was too late to look for any other participants… so I urge you to check out the side bar under My Blogging Entertainment the many blogs I love – all their writing styles are beautiful and they all share wonderful , beautiful and lyrical writing voices.
I hope you all enjoyed this Blog tour – and please visit all my favorites including
Have a wonderful week!
Mangia, Mangia…No Talk!


0 thoughts on “The Next Stop on the Virtual Blog Tour…is here!”

  • I loved reading more about you, and appreciated the plug for the Ten Things of Thankful blog hop that Lizzi started. I feel bad that no one you asked was able to participate. 🙁 We all enjoy reading your blog, though! 🙂

  • Thank you Kristi- don't feel bad at all its really tough to commit especially around this time of year; everyone is so busy with summer things – (more fun things)- thanks for the visit. –

  • Hi Marisa
    I had to be away from the internet all day today, and couldn't wait till I could visit your stop on the blog tour! Thanks so much for the lovely mention of me and my blog – and I thoroughly enjoyed reading more about you and your blogging process. There are some blogs I haven't visited on your side bar – and I look forward to checking them out! I always enjoy your posts!

  • Susan,
    Whew I am glad you liked it I was a little worried…hey all it took was that first word to start.
    BTW I tried to reply at lunch today and it wouldn't work so after several times that I tried to comment and nothing, I concluded that blogger was broken – and sure enough it was, glad i can finally do this now…have a great week! 🙂

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