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Featured Blogs for January 18, 2013
Jan, 18 2013
Featured Blogs for January 18, 2013
Featured Blogs is a weekly Friday post featuring favorite blogs from The Foodie Blogroll! We do this so we can share in the rich diversity of what The Foodie Blogroll has to offer by featuring some of our favorites and yours! The only requirement to be featured here on FFF is to be a member of The Foodie Blogroll and be displaying The Foodie Blogroll widget on your blog.

Here are this week’s Feature Blogs:
Mangia Mangia…No Talk!
Mangia Mangia No Talk! Is my past…a past filled with memories. Moments spent with family, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, and Parents, my sisters and my Nonno and Nonna! These days I am trying to do the same for my family; build great memories around our dinner table!
Last week on January 18, I received an email from Foodie Blogroll letting me know that Mangia, Mangia …No Talk, was being featured for the week! Yay me ……so for this post I am thanking the folks at Foodie Blogroll!
Thank you, Foodie Blogroll!
I appreciate the gesture and the recognition!
My intent for Mangia Mangia …No talk is to get everyone back to the table and enjoy the quintessential act of breaking bread with your family and friends; enjoying a simple meal…and I do mean simple because even though the food is delicious I know that every single time that I eat an artichoke I am back in my kitchen in Brooklyn, at 3 in the morning, twenty-something years ago, eating artichokes with friends that I miss with all my heart. 



Every time I smell fresh basil, I am 12 years old and in my parents’ vacation home in the Catskill Mountains placing two basil leaves in mason jars, prepping them for home-made tomato sauce.

I can go on, because that is what Mangia, Mangia …No talk is all about creating memories; remembering the laughter, and experiencing for a tiny moment in our lives, a moment without a care in the world; except for caring about the family or friend that is sitting beside you, experiencing the same moment with you. When I started out with Mangia Mangia…No talk, my goal was to give those positive experiences to my children, this sensory of taste or memory… an amuse-bouche, let’s say; because literally speaking that first taste of anything, or everything is only the beginning. Heck, we all need that in our lives because what comes after that first bite is what we need to look forward to. What we all need to aspire for!
Mangia, Mangia….No Talk!

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