Ten Things of Thankful – A Quickie

I have to make this quick and random thankfuls, so much to do today, it’s Saturday I need to clean the house, laundry and oh I’m having company over for a barbecue.
First on the list, I was thankful that I took a vacation day yesterday to get some much-needed errands completed.
I am thankful that my husband’s cousin will be coming over today for a BBQ – we have not seen him in over 10 years. Both Barbara and Mike will be over today at 3 PM or 3:30 and hopefully we all start where we left off. When we first got married Mike would hang out with us often, he sort of moved in with us, but would go back home for clean clothes. When he met Barbara, the four of us always hung out – we were on a bowling league together and were inseparable – sadly, a few distant miles and a not so reliable car (ours) kept us from seeing each other. I will post pictures and feature our simple BBQ soon. Both Barbara and Mike – have been forewarned, you come over, you will be featured on my blog. Unless you don’t want to – I respect that too.
I finished the NaBloPoMo July‘s challenge and I am thankful that it is done – writing every day is tough – coming up with content is hard too. I am in awe of every single one of you that can come up with great subjects so effortlessly.
I am so thankful to my friend Laurie, who I think will be taking my kids to a soccer game tonight- well I think I got that from her email. Nevertheless, even if it doesn’t happen tonight she is always taking my kids somewhere.
So apparently, because I am a night owl I am also intelligent- I came across thisarticle called:
Intelligent People All Have One Thing In Common: They Stay Up Later Than You – by LAUREN MARTIN
It’s an interesting article and I was thankful that I found it- I don’t think that I am smart but it is nice to know that when I am up very late punching out a post, reading, and researching something online, I am in good company.
Another surprise, and a thankful, was that in the last two weeks during the time that I was writing posts for NaBloPoMo at Squaarekat; six different posts spanning the last two weeks were among the top five on NaBloPoMo. I am not sure what that means, I didn’t get too many comments; actually, I got one that posted on Blogher. Besides I didn’t gain any more followers, yet someone or some people were interested enough to open the darn posts and either read the first line or read the whole thing – Thank You
Not much happened this week, we are all good so I am thankful for that too.
James and Amelia know and realize that they are in a deficit when it comes to their academics; I am so thankful that at some point during the day they are reading, practicing their math, working on the schools website with extra curriculum activities.
On Sunday our family will get together with my sisters and parents – I know we will all have laughs – I’ll get to see my nieces and nephews – as my daughter always says and writes on cards; I am thankful for my family.
I know Silvana will have something funny to say about this or she will just agree…I am thankful that I am my mom’s favorite.
It’s a wrap –
Mangia, Mangia…No Talk!!
Marisa, you are one busy bee!! Kudos to you for still punching out a post amidst all of the happenings you have coming your way! I will check out that article on night owls, as I am definitely one: have you seen the times I post? Usually, it's between 12 midnight and 4 am. If that makes me smart, I'll stay up even later!;)) Hope you are enjoying every bit of your weekend, my friend!
Sounds like a busy, fun week. I do all my chores on Saturday, too. Enjoy!
Hope the BBQ was really nice. I haven't had one all summer! Not so much of a big deal over here, but always enjoyable when it happens. Sounds like you've had your work cut out for you with the blogging every day. Well done for keeping up 🙂
Sounds like you had lots of fun visiting with folks this weekend. I love a weekend like that.
Good for your kids, doing the things they need to do to be successful in school. Not many kids would be willing to do that over the summer without a bit of an argument.
I'm going to take wisdom over intelligence (Early to bed, and early to rise. . .) if it means I can be an early bird and not a night owl. I know nothing intelligent comes out of my mouth late at night! 🙂 Kudos to you for being able to function well at 0'dark thirty.
wow that was pretty in depth for a quick post! way to go! I wonder if its a sign I may be getting stupid in that I have to go to bed early now?
The BBQ was awesome it's Tuesday and I am still smiling – we were up quite late catching up then had a sleepover and started back again when we woke the neat thing was that it didn't feel like 13 years past… we picked where we left off.
Early Saturday morning for me that way I can enjoy somewhat of the day the summer more so that I stick to the time, winter not too much. Thanks for stopping by.
I am such a night owl actually I am not a sleeper …that is the truth I am the last to go to the bed and the first to get up …the weekend was great its wonderful seeing old friends again…it was good.:)
The kids are great with this one rule that we enforce. So they do what we tell them Math and reading then they get rewarded – outside , bike riding, Xbox privileges etc…. you know. The weekend was great I'm still smiling the kids did not realize how cool we were before they came along and hubby loved seeing his cousin Nick is a different person this week too.
I think there was a counter-part article regarding early risers- I didn't read that yet but might look for it this week – the thing is I don't sleep (well I do ) but not many hours – eventually it catches up but that takes a long time too. 🙂
You know you are right- I guess once I start I can't stop…truly my intentions were bullets- one after another done the list – but I can't help it once I start I get too detailed and wordy – thanks for stopping by – 🙂
I came, I saw, I commented.
I apologize for not saying something more substantial but I will do better.
Thank you – please come again