Ten Things of Thankful – It’s Summertime Isn’t That Enough

Ten Things of Thankful – It’s Summertime Isn’t That Enough
It is officially summer, the
last day of school was on Thursday.
My first thankful, is that I was able to take two vacation days!
Second that I left a clean desk, and felt comfortable leaving;(me going back in will be another issue for later)
Both kids are thrilled to have the school year behind them, they are promising to keep reading over the summer and will practice their Math as well; James was able to get his grades up substantially after a disappointing third marking period. Amelia’s reading level went up and she is really trying to read more, so moving along to # three –  thank you kids for trying your best–great job– I mean it–I do see all your efforts.
 Fourth: Our church had their annual feast and we started our “last day of school” night at the festival, it was all about the rides, meeting up with friends, funnel cakes, zeppoles and Mister Softie Ice Cream.


My fifth thankful takes me to Friday, early in the morning; we (me, and the kids helped) made a significant effort to clearing up the Laundry situation.
We are only talking about clean dry clothes that needed to be put away –
Clothes are away, and I was able to make a bundle of emergency outfits to leave in the car.  We each have one, along with a few sweatshirts for any chilly nights.  Hey, you never know. I am and will keep tackling the laundry this week- sadly this task did not pass by without a casualty, I had to fire Nick he cannot do the laundry anymore…I know your trying to help, please stick to the lawn, and pool!
Six The kids enjoyed the pool, after many weeks of getting it clean, and the water to be perfect (not meaning temperature – it is still cold) the kids went into the pool.



It made Nick happy!
# Seven – Had a girl’s night out with my friend Deb and her friend, celebrating their birthdays…we went to a comedy club, and it was a very enjoyable evening.  So here’s the part that I ask that you read with an open mind, (because I was not expecting it), my friend Deb’s friend Dee Dee is a medium or psychic; very nice woman with a huge heart who raises horses, a pig and chickens.   We were on the way to the club and making small chat. Unexpectedly, Dee Dee said, “I’m going have to stop you because there’s this voice screaming in my ear. I’m thinking that she hears the radio that is on low and making a sound, but the speaker is on low and it is not audible enough, but that isn’t the case.  She proceeds to ask who is Amanda. Now I realized I was getting some sort of reading; think of Long Island Medium without the hair.  I quickly said, that’s my niece and said, she is good you know, she asked me if someone in her life passed away like a grandfather.  I said yes – she told me that her grandfather wants her to know that he is always watching her. Then Dee Dee asked who is George? I said no one I know, but she insisted that she kept hearing the name George, then it hit me I said that is me – when Amanda was little she always called me George no lie  – my sister, not her mom but her aunt, would tell her that is not Aunt Marisa just call her George and she did.How weird was that; unexpected but interesting at the same time.
# Eight is a double whammy, I love Groupon you all need to look at the sight and join, because of Groupon, I bought a real nice deal for a bowling alley near me, and we will all be going to Adventureland soon with friends.
#Nine I am looking forward to tonight’s dinner Chicken kabobs that are marinating in a lemon garlicky dressing, served with a Greek salad, pita bread, and Tzatziki sauce.  Yum!
# Ten I committed my other blog http://squaarekat.blogspot.com  in July to NaBloPoMo – the theme is Decade, and I feel that I can use this platform to express the last ten years therapeutically, since a lot has happened  and a lot of nothing too, either way it has been an eye opener… I hope I can be honest and not hold back.
Mangia, Mangia…No Talk!!!


0 thoughts on “Ten Things of Thankful – It’s Summertime Isn’t That Enough”

  • Eat, Eat, no talk. =) I went to Italy in 1998. I would seriously choose to just eat that authentic food over talking. =) I have kind of fallen out of my "home church" but I remain somewhat connected to the prayer group and my Christian mentors. Being that my husband is not a believer, my standards (well, family's standards) are pretty high. The church was not ministering to our special needs theme in our family. Still, I keep plugged into Christian content via online sermons. =) You are so very blessed. =)

  • Emergency outfits in the car is a great idea! I have an emergency kit in the trunk, but I don't have extra clothes in there; I should follow your example!

  • Kristi ha ha how funny is that; this is the first I decided to add the clothes to my "somewhat of a kit" I also have an emergency kit but I call it the mommy bag well the kids started calling it that it has everything needed for any kind of emergency. my husband teases me about it until someone actually needs a band-aid! 🙂

  • Thank you for visiting; sometimes I think I believe that faith comes in waves…and I have to say that is OK – having said all of that at I am not sure where I stand – except kindness rules.
    thank you for stopping by please visit often.

  • i love the exuberance of your life marisa!
    and the beautiful pool… it looks so inviting!
    and i once went to a physic. fascinating people. she said hers began when she was just a child and she didn't like it. it took her a long time to get used to it… when she realized other people didn't have the same ability.
    your summer sounds simply wonderful! xoxo

  • Emergency outfits sound interesting… I definitely need to carry some for Tealyn
    Your friend Dee Dee sound even more interesting..
    love your thankful posts..
    maybe I should start one too.

  • Tammy my dear how kind to describe the crazy around me with a positive word….I guess I will take it and use it myself too – thank you – that pool is quite cold we are all waiting for hubby to hook up a solar powered heater. LOL – psychics are interesting – the funny thing is I only met her that night and it was not for a reading. thanks for visiting 4th of July this Friday and of course the yearly family picture will be posted as well…look out Teddy is groomed for the occasion – enjoy the week!

  • you know I started the mommy bag when we first hosted the kids and magically I always had a sweater for them if the night got chilly or it was cold in a restaurant because of the AC …this year I thought instead of adding sweatshirts and long pants on the day we are going out why not just have them in the car already so that is there and less thing to worry about. Crazy thing about DeeDee I only met her that night. 🙂 thanks for stopping by!

  • My kids have been out of school for a month, and we have yet to go into a pool. Ugh. That situation needs rectifying. Your kids look so happy to be swimming.
    Good for your kids, working so hard. It isn't easy to turn a ship around after a disappointing school quarter.
    Oooh, a reading from a medium. Years ago, my book club read a book about a psychic and had one come to our meeting. I was shocked at how accurate she was.

  • If I had a pool in my backyard, I would get absolutely nothing done. I would just lie in it on an air mattress endlessly, probably drooling some from the relaxation. We haven't gone to the pool yet this summer, and we have already paid dues at the place we go. Need to get there and get our money's worth!
    It's terrific when your kids work hard to improve on anything, but especially their school work.
    The medium thing is a little spooky. Okay, a lot spooky.
    There is never an end to laundry. Just when you think it's all done, you look over and the laundry basket is overflowing again.

  • Hi Marisa,

    I somehow missed this post! Anyway, love your 10 things of thankful posts, as they give me a nice idea of your everyday routine…and NOT so routine, like that 'reading' by Dee Dee!! Wow, I have a real interest in this kind of stuff, as I truly believe that some of us are more in tune with other streams of consciousness; it's a gift, I guess. The pool looks very refreshing and I'm sure the kids are having a wonderful, splashy summer so far. Your meals are always so tempting and yummy; how lucky your family is! I hope they are thankful for YOU!

    Happy 4th!!

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