Ten Things of Thankful – It’s all Good, I think

Ten Things of Thankful – It’s all Good, I think
I am writing this on Sunday, and will try to post before the end of the day ….I know I have a lot to be thankful for this week.  The simple thankfuls are there, they always are.  The truth is, last week was a mixed bag of lows and highs…I kind of think more lows.
There is one area in my life that I struggle with daily, and then it becomes linked with negative emotions, self-doubt, less confidence and that leads to not feeling positive about anything.   I can do 100 good things; I make one error, one slip up, say or do one stupid thing and the 100 good things gets tossed and mean nothing.
Feeling inferior in one area just sets me up to feel failure everywhere else…
I will start with two things that are linked with one another and because of its sensitivity; I will need to be vague. Please bear with me!
So first off, I am thankful that I recognized a face of discontent that was directed at me, I actually felt uncomfortable.  This leads me to my second thankful; which is, I know what I saw and what I felt. I know eventually I will need to do something about it, but at that moment, I did not flee or hide.  I stood there waiting for a different expression, ( as if I was saying I do not deserve this treatment- yet do what you want – because you can) I did get a different expression and I responded or kept engaged  with this person,  as if nothing happened .  I am thankful that when push comes to shove I can hold back and not show what I feel. 
Enough of that, hopefully the situation will change… that is all I can say for now.
There’s nothing worse than a bunch of jaded old farts, and that’s a fact.

Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/r/robertplan472852.html#DRUesoWjoJgi2hA2.99
I posted five great posts on my other blog, SquaareKat BlogSpot. If interested, please go visit.  I posted a poemI wrote, I wrote about the most important 3 weeks in my past.  And about our fifth family member and lastly, I retired, I want to be eight years old again. I am thankful that I had those words in me.
I am writing on SquaareKat for Blogher’s July NaBloPoMo and one day last week, I had two posts that were popular…  Big J
I took this picture with my phone then texted the picture to my husband.
Tomorrow night will be Amelia’s last night of the literacy program that she has been in since the end of June.  Four weeks ago, the student teacher tested her spelling skills and out of 30 words, Amelia spelled six words correctly; as of Friday, Amelia misspelled seven words….now that is success –
I mentioned before, that she perseveres.  Great job … Bigger smile J
No biggie but I lost another ½ of a pound, and was quite relieved to start walking again during lunch on Thursday and Friday. The first half of the week, we had storms hitting our area.
I love Pandora and my earphones. When I walk at lunchtime, that is what is playing, I have it on shuffle, but last week one day I had it on calming meditation music and the next day I had it on Mama Mia’s soundtrack – it was pleasant.
Guess who is visiting:
This is Harry, my sister’s dog.
Poor hubby being attacked by both dogs…each one wants attention… I am so thankful that they actually get along.
I laughed and smiled since Thursday because of these two boys…they are so opposite but each have their own agendas and are so adorable.  I am thankful for making me smile and laugh.
I am so thankful that I allowed myself to take a well-deserved and lengthy Saturday afternoon nap – I don’t sleep much, I am usually up at four or five in the morning and in bed at 11 or later.  I have been doing this for a long time.  Yesterday it all caught up to me, and I took this wonderful nap, both dogs were near me, Teddy sharing the same couch with me, and Harry near me on the floor.  It was heaven.
When I got up, I started making dinner
However, before I knew it, look who made himself comfortable
Last night’s  dinner was BLT’s  ( I used Turkey bacon ),  on the side we had Cole Slaw, Sweet Potato Fries, half sour pickles, salad and I found a blood orange soda in Trader Joe’s,  everything was delicious, the best part was seeing the kids and Nick having fun building their own BLT and enjoying dinner too.



What are your Ten Things of Thankful for the week?
Mangia, Mangia…No Talk!!!


0 thoughts on “Ten Things of Thankful – It’s all Good, I think”

  • Those fries look delicious.

    I hope you manage to have a helpful conversation with whoever gave you a weird face! But well done for just waiting it out. That's not always easy.

    Those dogs look bonkers.

  • Oh my gosh! TEDDY!!!!! HARRY!!!!
    I used to teach groups in a psychiatric crisis program about cognitive restructuring and the actual science that makes it easier to think and remember negative experiences no matter how few over positive one now matter how many… so rest assured… youre not alone and turns out youre quite normal!!!!

  • Isn't it interesting how hard we are on ourselves, yet how patient we are with others? I hope that whatever your situation is, that it will resolve and that you can be kind to yourself.

  • Omg, we are re-naming Harry to Roadblock or Big Ben—I am not sure what will happen with that person, I really don't want a confrontation eventually it will need to change, and it will 🙂 Thanks for caring. The fries were yummy I tried to make my sweet potato fires but they don't come right …those were frozen popped them in the oven to roast.

    PSST do I say you are first!!! LOL!

  • Kristi I am my very own worst critic. I keep saying I need to turn the situation around ; perhaps I just need to turn my talk and thinking around. You know what I say to me, and how I feel about it. Thanks 🙂

  • Teddy and Harry are both loves…its hysterical when Teddy drinks from his bowl…its huge and must taste better! Well it is good to know I am normal – thanks for your visit and comment – all greatly appreciated. 🙂

  • Both Teddy and Harry are loves. It's hysterical when Teddy drinks water from Harry's bowl. It is huge, the water must taste better. Thank you for letting me know that I am normal. Thank you for visiting and your comments…to everyone too, all of your comments all greatly appreciated.

  • oh dear heart. what a post!
    first… teddy and harry. the tall and short of it… and both adorable!!! mutt and jeff. LOLOL.
    i'm so glad you finally got a little rest. that is what i always want for you. and wish i could will it to you!
    and as for "the person."
    it seems we all have to have at least one of those (actually many if you live long enough!) in our lives.
    my mother gave the best advice of all i think.
    she just smiled a very confident and beautiful smile. she said "just remember. YOU be the lady."
    that's all it ever took for me. at first it's a bit hard. but actually… it works very well eventually.
    especially if you keep a serene lady of the manor smile on your face. they never know how to deal with that!!! LOLOL. and it literally makes them look like a hateful ranting fool. well. just sayin'.
    when she attacks you again (because it truly is a form of attack.. even if there are no blows) …
    simply picture yourself as Lady Mary of Downton Abbey. serene. beautiful. composed. invincible.
    you'll win every time!
    and now…
    i'm off to read all your new posts on square kat! XOXO♥

  • Hi Marisa,

    Very intriguing post. The mystery person that has preoccupied your thoughts should perhaps remain just that – a mystery! Don't beat yourself up over something you cannot really control; you can only control your OWN thoughts and actions, so why bother? Be kind to yourself and listen to your voice.

    Your BLTs look divine! And those fries are calling my name, (no, not Poppy, but I digress!). I'm thankful that you still got to list off your ten things of thankful.


  • Thank you the blt's were very tasty I used a lower sodium turkey bacon so they were…well they were good too. that mystery person will remain that but will not consume my thoughts anymore…I can only rely on me and my strengths – 🙂

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