Ten Things of Thankful “In Summer”

“Ah I don’t know why, but I always loved the idea of summer and sun & all things hot!” Olaf from Frozen
Its summer and I am thankful.
I made, what I call summer sauce last Sunday, but it is actually, aka Mimi’s Carrot sauce, it’s so tasty and perfect for meatless Mondays.
I am going to make another batch today, and will write and post the recipe soon. I am thankful that the sauce was available when I invited my friend Laurie and her son to eat with us…she had taken my kids swimming, however, I asked her to have my children home by 6 pm so that we can get my daughter to the library for her reading remediation literacy program. Then I invited her to stay for dinner, one and a half-pounds of macaroni, a loaf of bread, a salad, and eating outside; in our backyard – it was yummy.
My friend’s son said to me that I am a good cook, and that he enjoyed dinner. Big J
Eating outside in my backyard – thanks to Nick, he found a battery operated water fountain – on sale in Walgreen’s, and now I have all of the elements under the gazebo. So Feng Shui.
Comments – thank you for all the wonderful comments – have you ever heard of a birthday cake without the candles – comments are the candles to the blog – Thank you,
Being asked to be part of the Blog Tour – my new friend Susan F. over at http://www.ofeverymoment.com/ invited me (Mangia, Mangia…No Talk!) I am thinking with everyone away, or who couldn’t commit to continuing the tour; I will feature my favorite blogs via from my blog list.
Last Thursday I posted the 100th post on Mangia, Mangia…No Talk!
I am thankful to my husband Nick who officially became my blogger’s editor; yes, he edits every single post for MMNT and SquaareKat. Thank you!
Had another wonderful evening at our beach on Friday night – we had a great time, Deb and Paul, thank you for the drinks and the peanuts to snack on before dinner- we will be better prepared next time- J
Last night my friend Deb hosted a ladies night out at her house – we ate good food, reconnected with one another, confided, and supported one another. We ate a delicious Greek dinner that was ordered in from a Greek restaurant nearby. I had a wonderful light beer (not light in calories) but crisp pale ale, and we all met her friend, and had a medium and psychic reading; it was fun and a great way to support her friends venture.
Getting to sit with them, laughing, reminiscing, confiding, and patting one another on the back is priceless. Let me tell you something about us, by any standard of friendships, our relationship with one another is new, 5 to 6 years, but we came together because of one common thread; we all adopted our children from the same program. Our children all knew each other before we knew them … these families are a great support, but more importantly, we have provided a real relationship for our children – because at one point I am certain they will need to validate their story with one another.
Because truthfully we do that now; or I do that now, with my own sisters and cousins …validate our past.
That’s it for this week.
Have a wonderful week!
Mangia, Mangia…No Talk!!!
Yes – connecting with family to validate our past is important. I'm glad you have people with whom you do this, and that you're making provision for your children to be able to do this in future.
All your meals sound BEAUTIFUL 😀 I'm so happy you're enjoying a lot of al fresco dining. The carrot 'summer sauce' sounds amazing 🙂
Sounds like lots of good food and even more fellowship this week. Gotta love summer!
What a wonderful blessing that your adoption group still gets together. It is a marvelous gift for you and the kids, now and into the future.
I made another batch of sauce yesterday and we had it tonight for dinner. Our friends and us made it a point to be in each other live; at first it was to be supportive of each other becoming parents to older children; eventually the kids became friendlier (their first playdate when we were all home was terrible) with one another – my friend describes their friendship simpatico – they act like cousins or siblings yet I have a feeling that at point one of them will say " hey did that really happened ?"
We all live within 15 minutes from one another so it is quite easy – we are so lucky because we all like each other…very down to earth, its easy. the adults have fun and so do the kids!
How great that you get together with the other adoptive families–what a gift for the children, to be able to continue the connections they had prior to adoption! (And how wonderful for the parents, as well.)
It's awesome…us women always plan some sort of girls not out..and in between all three families get together at least once a month …we're family now. One of the neat things was when Laurie adopted her son my kids were there we were waiting for our court date…Laurie was not allowed to say anything to them but they always asked the translator to ask about mama and papa in america , I think the answer was you'll see or maybe. One of the thing that Laurie did for my son, she bought him a new pair of inside shoes – the shoes he had were falling apart. I am so blessed.