Tasty Is Nutritious Too

Tasty Is Nutritious Too
Tasty is Nutritious too
Years ago, I became sick…it was somewhat serious and I did need surgery. I believed because of the disease, not the surgery I could not have children. 
Once I was told that I needed surgery, I went full force learning everything I needed to learn about what I had–and felt quite strongly that my diet had a lot to do with it. Prior to getting sick  Nick and I  ate out a lot–meals were prepared on occasion-maybe 2 times per week and the rest of the week was either take out or going out to dinner. 
We worked and it was easy to eat out; you know?
So what did I do?  I started doing Yoga every morning and evening too.   I bought some organic and some not organic foods and started cooking meals at home.  I made smoothies in the morning and took a shot of wheat grass along with some royal jelly before I left for work.
The surgery went as planned and I was fine. I was told that we can now start having children, yet after many years of trying to have a baby, it was not meant to be.
OK so what do I believe and know now:
  1. Despite everything, I believe that the body has this great ability to heal itself.
  2. I feel that we have more–processed foods that are convenient and in abundance.
  3. I believe that eating out and take out is really making us sick.
  4. I feel that eating organic is quite pricey.
  5. I believe that with balance, moderation, and learning, we can feel better and overcome what is ailing us.



I am not a nutritionist, I am not here to judge, what I do know is that when I shop and buy fresh ingredients such as fruits, vegetables, and meats I feel that serving a home-cooked meal to my family makes me feel OK.
Consequently, I also worry about the source of these ingredients; but the alternative of a high-sodium, high sugar, or added chemicals in a product scares me more. I worry if the tomatoes that I just picked out were genetically grown and that the baby carrots that I give my kids as a snack are actually safe.
Having said all of that I try my best to provide my family a good tasty meal, by going back in time and cooking like my mom, my aunts, and my Nonna did, at a time when vegetables came from the back yard, a steak came from the butcher and fish was bought from the fish monger.
These days it’s all about convenience – everything under one roof; so as I shop I pick out the ingredients that I will use to make my weekly meals. 
I’m not perfect I fry chicken cutlets in vegetable oil; it’s very easy to make a pound of pasta than to create a meal from start to finish after 6 PM.  I add pork sausage in my sauce and reason that it’s in moderation. I create sweet desserts. I probably use excessive amounts of cheese and eggs.  In our immediate family, we celebrate birthdays with Hostess Cupcakes. I don’t ban anything with in reason from my home because I don’t think it’s healthy to force someone not to eat something, my thought is allowing them to try it, introducing it to him or her, in hopes it will satisfy a need. 
   However, I do try to monitor the junk food intake the best I can.


In conclusion, the meals that I cook are home cooked meals.  I mostly buy ingredients and not too many-processed foods with the exception of deli meat like turkey, white bread, boxes of pasta, French fries, and yogurt.   All I can say is I’m doing my best and feel that it can be done; creating a nutritious tasty meal is possible.
Recipes will be posted this week; I promise.
Mangia, Mangia…No Talk!



0 thoughts on “Tasty Is Nutritious Too”

  • Marisa,
    What a great post!
    This week-end I decided to start buying more organic and start cooking here more . The problem is that alot of organics are so expensive. I have gained a few pounds due to eating dirty.. (anything) so, I have decided to get back on track.. this morning I made a fresh smoothie for breakfast I added almond milk, strawberries, oats, flaxseed, and yogurt my stomach is now moving ,so I know its working. I am really trying to cook wholesome dinners but some recipes out there call for so many ingredients. If you find any that are quick (20 min or less I have a baby) and easy…please share
    Thanks Marisa

  • I also try to follow some of the patterns of old, but at some point I have to think, "How far back in time am I trying to go?" I don't grow my own wheat, I don't raise my own meat, I don't have a cow or goat for milk. I don't even produce all the fruits and vegetables we eat. I have a thing for York Peppermint Patties. Despite all of that, though, I do agree that real food tastes good, is much more satisfying than the "convenience" foods, and leads to better health.

  • Thank you Marissa – i think whatever makes you feel comfortable is all you can do- do what you know like I know that Tofu is not something I feel comfortable eating (truthfully the soy scares me) yet i have no idea what to do with it so I wouldn't try it … now I know pastas so I don't have a problem substituting regular pasta with a whole grain pasta. We do what we can – I will try to keep you posted with quick nutritious meals.

    Thank you for stopping by.

  • I just think the diseases that our society is suffering – was not so popular in my childhood, obesity, diabetes, cancers, heart disease even children have these symptoms not to mention other labels they carry…I know its because we are more educated and more testing is available but what if what we eat has also triggered it. What if our endocrine system is not designed to consume over processed foods. So I can worry but I don't I try to learn and do my best its all we can do
    Thank you

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