


Sundays….. Il dolce far niente! – The Sweetness of doing nothing!  If only I could!!!!!!!!!!
Sundays I  cook for the week; it helps so much that we all know what is for dinner and helps me that all I have to do is  reheat our meal when I walk in after a long day at the office….On the menu this week are:

Spare Ribs in the crock-pot…. pre-cooked ready for the crock-pot

Black Bean Soup with Cheese Quesadillas and my favorite salad; Avocado and Tomato!  Love it! Love it! Will post these recipes soon! 


Fried Chicken Cutlets, accompanied with my mother-in-law’s mushroom salad.  Nick has been asking me if I would make the salad, and if I could remember his mom’s recipe. My mother-in-law is a great cook, but all her recipes went with her, when she moved to Florida.  So I tried to replicate it and I am proud to say “I did it!” Nick tasted it and loved it.

Print-Friendly Recipe ( Fried Chicken Cutlets)

Chicken Cutlets are seasoned with salt and black pepper, while in a strainer one small pinch of each, rub it in and rinse it off.  Two eggs seasoned with salt and black pepper and two or three drops of milk mixed together.  Pour Italian seasoned bread crumbs in a flat dish; dredge chicken cutlets in egg mixture then bread crumbs; (I use thin cut chicken cutlets, I don’t use Chicken Breast and if I did buy them (breasts) I would cut them to make them thinner.)  The ingredients above are good for 9 or 10 chicken cutlets.  Fry in vegetable oil until each side is a golden brown. About 4 to five minutes on each side.  Drain on paper towels – I either freeze these if I know we won’t be eating them early in the week; or if we are eating them early in the week I will leave them in the fridge.

Print-Friendly Recipe  (Mushroom Salad)

Mushroom Salad……not sure why but I only bought two packages of mushrooms,  after I finished making the salad I made a  mental note to pick up more mushrooms  next time; two packages doesn’t yield much, it’s truly fine for us. I think if I make more I can store some in mason jars.
So I start out cleaning the mushrooms and stemming – stems are discarded. Once cleaned and stemmed I slice the mushrooms.  Take the sliced mushrooms and toss in boiling water that was seasoned with salt, about one tablespoon, and boil for about two or three minutes, drain and run cold water on them, shake off excess water. 
In a bowl, add chopped garlic 3 large cloves, add mushrooms followed by a handful of sliced pimento olives (strain about 1/3 cup of pimento olives run it under cold water shake off the water) Also add to the bowl, parsley, you can add dry or fresh; two or three pinches of dry parsley or one tablespoon of fresh parsley works.  I don’t over power the salad with the parsley. Add some olive oil, about 1 to 2 tablespoon of olive oil and you can sprinkle; a couple of sprinkles of red wine vinegar….next time though I want to try a squeeze of lemon.

We will have the chicken cutlets with the mushroom salad. On the side I will make French fries, tater tots or pasta and peas. So yummy!
Lastly, because of the cold weather, we forgo our meatless Monday dinner and had Chicken Soup with tortellini – notice the meatballs I made with the chicken breast. One our family’s favorite. By that I mean my entire family sisters, nieces,  nephews, brother-in-laws and cousins too!  Recipe to follow.
Mangia, Mangia…No Talk!

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