String Beans and Potato Salad

Today’s Post Is brought to you because:
It’s almost summertime! Hooray!
String Beans and Potato Salad
2 lbs. of fresh string beans
12 nice size potatoes peeled and cut up into chunks
1 red onion sliced
1 can of black olives pitted
Salt and pepper
1/3 cup of red wine vinegar
¼ cup of extra virgin olive oil
Clean the string beans and blanch them for about 3 or 4 minutes in salted water.
Strain well, you can run them under cold water.
Peel and cut up the potatoes, and, boil in salted water until firm, fork tender (no need to make them mushy) they need to hold their form.
Place both the potatoes and string beans in a large bowl and let cool.
Slice onion and add as much as you desire
Rinse olives and add to the bowl (again the whole can or ½ of the can)
In measuring cup add the red wine vinegar; add a pinch of salt and black pepper, and a small pinch of oregano (dried oregano is fine)
Whisk with a fork the extra virgin olive oil into the vinegar
Once the string beans and potatoes have cooled to around room temperature, you can add the dressing; how I add the dressing is I stream it on the side of the bowl not directly on top of the string beans and potatoes.
This is so the potatoes won’t soak up all of the oil and vinegar. You may sprinkle a pinch of black pepper or 1 or 2 turns of freshly ground pepper. Stir and serve.
This is a great salad for summer time barbecues; this salad travels well too. You can put it all together at home, except for the dressing, leaving it for when you get there, or add it right before you are ready to serve the salad.
The ingredients can be cut in half for a smaller crowd.
Mangia, Mangia…No Talk!!!
Yum that does look good!
We make ours oh so different
we add boiled egg, mustard, dill pickles,
I just love summer salads!!!
anything simple Ha .
oh good grief charlie brown!!!
i hit a gold mine! LOLOL.
i had gotten used to your being too busy to post. so i haven't visited since april.
i didn't know you were going to post everyday in may. YAYYY!
where to begin?
i have just spent the last hour reading every word.
deciding to fix pasta con piselli …. YUM! and the walnut pasta…. james's favorite!
the kids are growing like precious little weeds! oh. to many exclamation points tammy.
i love the picture of you in the purple skirt and black top.
and your landscaping… YES! a peony. and the little herb garden that is not just for 'looks' … that will REALLY be used! my gram loved mint. i know it's invasive. but in pots… so lovely. i used to like to smell the chocolate mint. amazing!
i love it that you put candles in hostess cupcakes for birthdays…
and that your favorite restaurant is right on the sandy beach…
oh dear heart…
in a way i'm glad i waited to come here… because visiting with so many posts awaiting… well….
a little like christmas morning! LOLOL. WHAT? another gift for ME? LOL.
here's the deal.
i think you are marvelous. a fantastic mother to amelia and james.. a great wife to nick. a mom to baby teddy bear. and a unique and wonderful chef. imaginative and healthy.
when you want to throw every caution to the winds… and indulge in dark chocolate … and a whole bag of vinegar and salt potato chips and a diet dr pepper for lunch…. i say GO FOR IT DARLING GIRL!!!!
this was fun.
thanks for the ride.
have a great work week. tomorrow is hump day! and a long weekend comin' up! XOXOXO
and NOW i am going to sign up for email on mangia mangia… so i will KNOW when there's a new post! 😀
My Dear Friend …thank you for stopping on all my posts…yes I am posting again and challenged myself to post for the month of May and of course keeping up with it. MMNT and SquaareKat too are very important to me, I am so glad you are loving my posts…its so true about the chips and soda banquet (fancy- LOL) I always feel guilty on the days that I indulge but after I wrote it and read it over I meant what I said that day I needed a bag of chips and diet Dr.Pepper I only realized once it was on paper or screen.
Now more importantly, hope you are well and reading my post did not take too much of your time to walk or enjoy the day!
Have a wonderful day! I am so looking forward to the weekend lots to do but it will be mixed with two birthdays moms and James' bdays!
take care dear!