Spinach, Feta, and Tomato Chicken Burgers

Spinach, Feta, and Tomato Chicken Burgers
For some time I have been watching what I eat, trying to cook lighter meals…so far I have seen somewhat of a difference,  the scale is kinder, yet I have more to go.
A couple of weeks ago I bought chicken sliders with spinach and feta already prepared. I bought one package that cost me over $7.00 – they were okay everyone liked them but let’s face it they were sliders and I only got 8, with sides of french-fries and a salad it was enough. 
This made me think that I could make these burgers myself for the fraction of the cost.
Last night we had Spinach, Feta, and Tomato Chicken Burgers ( not sliders)- ground chicken, feta cheese, and tomatoes, a side cucumber salad along with fries – yes fries …I’m feeding others that don’t need to count any calories.
The recipe is below we topped ours with topped with a roasted red pepper sauce – Next time I am thinking a killer aioli would be amazing or tzatziki sauce.
 [lt_recipe name=”Spinach Feta Chicken Burgers” servings=”4 – 8″ prep_time=”40 MINUTES” cook_time=”5 TO 7 MINUTES ON EACH SIDE ON A HOT GRILL ” total_time=”45 – 60 MINUTES” difficulty=”Not hard” summary=”Chicken Burgers with a Greek Style ” print=”yes”  ingredients=”2 lbs of ground chicken;;1 package of chopped frozen spinach; thawed with the water squeezed out;;2 Roma tomatoes diced and seeds removed;;2/3 cups of Feta Cheese crumbled- try getting the imported but if can’t domestic is fine too ;;Salt and Black pepper for flavoring;;1 egg;;1/3 cup of breadcrumbs;;1 pinch of oregano” ]Combine all ingredients in a bowl ;;Season with light pinch of salt and slightly larger pinch of black pepper, add a pinch of oregano, add the egg, lastly, add the breadcrumbs ( you can add more than 1/3 cup if you have to – depending on the consistency of the mixture);;Mix together with your clean hands, and form into patties; once all the burgers are formed wash your hands- (when handling any kind of chicken or poultry it is always a must to wash hands and any surface the poultry was in contact with).;; I placed each burger on a lined baking dish, covered the tray with cellophane, then popped the tray in the refrigerator. ;; These can be made ahead of time prior to cooking these on the same day – leave them in the fridge till they get cold and firm – 10 to 20 minutes or longer is fine.;;On a hot griddle or grill (barbeque) (griddle and grill can be greased) place patties do not touch them for about 4 or 5 minutes meat tends to stick until they cook for a bit – once cooked and you see a slight separation flip them and grill on the other side for about 7 minutes or to your liking and desire. ;; Remember minimum safe temperature ground chicken or turkey is a little higher, at 165° F (74° C).; Serve on a burger roll or a pita bread – accompany these with either a sweet red pepper sauce. or tzatziki sauce. [/lt_recipe]


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0 thoughts on “Spinach, Feta, and Tomato Chicken Burgers”

  • Marisa, these look SCRUMPTIOUS!!! You know, being Greek, spinach and feta are like pizza and pasta to Italians. Waiting, (as patiently as possible!), for that fine tuned recipe!! Until then…Happy 4th!


  • thank you poppy – I promise recipe will come soon I am going to make them one more time and measure everything this time …then figure out a sauce oh and I want to make a different version too – thanks for the visit and I am looking forward to have another day off – 🙂

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