Pizza Pizza Pizza

Pizza Pizza Pizza


Pizza Night
“I love vegging out in front of the TV, eating pizza!”


Cheese Pizza baked in a frying pan to make a thick crust pizza
Before Nick and I had children, our house was quiet, neat and we had our usual dinner in front of the television…..a simple meals was made or bought “take out” and we would plop in front of the TV and watch whatever was on for the night, and eat our dinner.

Sauteed Mushroom with shallots, rosemary, goat cheese and white truffle oil

When we found out that the kids were coming,  the tiny bedroom we were using as our “den”,  was transformed into the kid’s bedroom…the TV was moved into our living room and the days of eating in front of the TV were gone……until recently.  One night we were running late, the kids and my husband had rented a movie from the red box and wanted to watch it….we hadn’t eaten dinner yet, and me being ever so practical …(NOT!)   I said to them, if we eat dinner, then watch the movie afterward, it will be very late.  I say this truthfully, at some point in the evening I want everyone in bed.
So I suggested we have dinner while we watch the TV…. The kids were ecstatic and loved the idea…..they have now made it  a “tradition”  and try to implement it on Friday nights; we can’t do it every Friday because of basketball games, but we have enjoyed this new ritual many times….. Friday night is pizza night, sometimes we order a pizza from our local pizzeria or sometimes I make the pizzas.

I named this the AJ (After my nephew asked that I make one with sauce on the bottom, prosciutto, black olives and provolone cheese….so yummy!

Did I mention that I love pizza! I make many variations with many different toppings, I usually make three different pizzas, and I do stress this, I always make my own sauce, which is an easy and quick marinara sauce, there truly is no reason to buy jarred sauce. 
Marinara Sauce Recipe

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1 clove of garlic, one large can of sauce 28 oz (puree, crushed tomato) olive oil about 1 tablespoon, pinch of salt, pepper, and basil.  Sautee the chopped garlic in the oil, don’t let that brown, let that cook for about 4 minutes add sauce, salt, pepper and basil bring to a boil stir often lower heat to a simmer, cook for about 30 minutes.  That’s it, it’s done; so much tastier than jarred sauce….trust me on this!  The amount of sauce is good for about two pizzas.

Marinara Sauce – is a typical sauce used on a pizza – its is a simple sauce with a hint of garlic and basil.

About the dough; I have used these small pizza breads or crusts…Trader Joe’s has a nice one that is flavored with rosemary and olive oil, they are larger than the ones that I have in the picture. I have made my own dough, bought pizza dough at the supermarket, and have purchased the dough at my local pizzeria, all are fine and still make delicious pizzas…but I do like the pizzeria dough and my own….but when I cannot make my own, I buy the pizza dough. 

To Cook the pizza I start with a hot oven at 475 degrees. I place the dough on a greased pizza pan, add my sauce and toppings and bake for about ten minutes; once you smell the dough cooking it is close to being done.  Check to see that the cheese has melted.  When I use the pizza crusts ( as the picture above – almost like a pita bread) I bake them first for less than 5 minutes, just enough for them to get warm…take it out of the oven and  put the toppings on and bake until the sauce cooks a little more and the cheese melts.

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The white pizza needs to cook a little longer….in a bowl I combine ricotta cheese, mozzarella, a small sprinkle of salt, black  pepper and one egg , while I am doing this  I have the pizza dough in the oven preheating.  Place the cheese mixture on the dough and back in the oven for about 15 – 20 minutes. To make the mushroom pizza with goat cheese and shallots, the mushrooms and shallots were sautéed prior in olive oil and at the end I added a splash of dry white wine.  I add the mushroom mixture to the dough or pizza crusts which were also preheated in the oven; bake for about 5-10 minutes.  The same for the salad and the Fat Tuesday pies the dough or pizza crusts needs to be preheated as well.  All savory pizzas are topped with Oregano before they are cooked. Any cold toppings (salad, fruits) are added after the dough or crust is fully cooked.

So there it is, in a little more than 544 words …! Remember…The toppings are limited only by your imagination. These are a few of my favorites, please try them or feel free to create your own!

White Pizza –Ricotta cheese and mozzarella- oregano and as soon as it comes out of the oven drizzle it lightly with White Truffle Oil.

Cheese pizza in a pan….makes a nice thick crust.

Chopped salad pizza; with goat cheese and balsamic vinaigrette.

And my “Fat Tuesday Pizza”, yes I made this on Fat Tuesday, vanilla pudding and Nutella with banana, coconut and whip cream…..need I say more …Oh yes,

Mangia, Mangia…No Talk!

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