Pizza Done Right! A love story!

Pizza Done Right!  A love story!
Pizza Done Right!  A love story!

Folks this is not another post about pizza. Although I will be mentioning pizza, pizza oven, knots and pillows, smiles and beer!

This is my sister Silvana and her husband Mark….they met, oh; I think it was 100 years ago, on a blind date!  Silvana worked at a day care center while attending college. At this daycare was this cute little baby girl that Silvana took to right away; perhaps kismet, serendipity, or destiny, Little Miss and my sister were bonded…at three years old little Nicola told my sister you need to meet my uncle …a first date was planned with of course little Nicola invited. 100 years later, they are married with two boys and Harry! 





Because of their union; many things followed– I have two great nephews, and I am given the opportunity to get to know not one golden but two; sadly “our” first golden, Kramer left us a couple years ago! Notice how I say “our”; Kramer was ours too! The above boys are  Jack, A.J. and Harry; respectively. 
Second on the list is that friendships were made and family prioritized.

These three are my parents and Mimi; my mom is on the right and Mimi on the left; of course, dad is stuck in the middle! Mimi is Mark’s mom, a wonderful friendship with my mother and Mimi was formed from the time my sister and Mark started to date.  Mimi is not her name but A.J. started calling her Mimi instead of grandma; grandma is my mom! 

Now look closely see how sweet these three are; don’t let them fool you all they do is spoil our children with so much love, kisses, praises and always cookies and cakes. 

In this picture, we are celebrating my mom’s 75th birthday so she didn’t participate in any evil doing! However, Mimi did…


She made these cookies (pignoli nut cookies)

Yes, she made all of these too!

Some sort of bark —warning do not bring home!

Brownies too!

The white powder cake is a simple pound cake that is now affectionately called “The Flo cake”


This was my mom’s birthday cake….Jack asked for grandma’s face…he’s very funny!

Whenever my sister has a get-together Mimi gets going and starts baking; my mom does too and because of these two women I don’t usually bring desserts; I can’t ….why even try!
So continuing about my sister and her husband; Mark and Silvana, had their kitchen renovated, an awkward fireplace that was in a corner was made into this –

Because of this, the Pizza oven, Mark now does this-

He makes pizza, his cousin Frank helps him out too- however, Frank is always  in charge of the music selection.  What’s a gathering without good music? A MEETING!

Consequently, Mark makes the pizza and everyone else does this:
Sil hugging mom!

Look at that smile!
Silvana, her niece Alexa and my husband Nick!
Their nephew Michael, Alexa and Silvana – Michael and Alexa are brother and sister; when Mark’s brother passed away 10 years ago, their dad, – both Mark and Silvana stepped in, and are a constant presence in their lives!
The woman on the right is Krisi; she is married to Frank. Lori is on the left; she’s Krisi’s sister. Silvana calls them sisters from another mister.  It is always great to see them at the parties.

Yes, there are always appetizers; on this occasion she had cheeses and, of course, each cheese was labeled! The mini hot dogs are wrapped with maple syrup bacon!

Water flavored with fruit
They always have a craft beer to try; I think the beer in the love shack glass was an Organic Beer or a Blood Orange beer from the Great South Bay Brewery; it was served from a growler…  The spider bite beer is an IPA; I thought it was an artichoke beer but it wasn’t thank goodness that is actually a  picture of hops..I did not know that! These were both very good; I tried them on two separate occasions!

 A garlic pillow was made from pizza dough!

Garlic Knots served hot with garlic and cheese!

How gorgeous is that?


James and his cousin; AJ…are they actually smiling or scheming? Oh, by the way, check out AJ acting the straight man and James being silly; that my friends is true acting! A fine performance, indeed!

My brother-in-law and me!    


 Silvana taking it all in!

This is what’s it all about; family getting together, having family around, enjoying our moments, and sharing the sweet lives we all have!  …Silvana and; Mark are great together ….they can have a party anywhere, and usually do! They had their shares of struggles, sadness, and fears; but with humor, taking it one-step at a time, and realizing that when there’s still a choice, there is still a solution, or hope, they have shown us all how it should be done!
I am still smiling, too!
Mangia, Mangia …No Talk!

0 thoughts on “Pizza Done Right! A love story!”

  • What a beautiful family post Marisa!!!!
    I love that wood burning pizza oven! I can only imagine the taste of that home made pizza. What a beautiful family you have!! I was hoping to see little Nicola in these pictures.. she a beautiful story!!!
    Good food, family, and friends. The best things in life.
    Have a beautiful day.

  • I'd be smiling too, Marisa! You've just said some of my favorite words: pizza and homemade in a real pizza oven, for goodness sake, bacon, garlic, cheese, family all around. That's one party I would have loved to have been at!

    The best of times, my dear! A good post Marisa. You got the fun in the photos and your words.

  • Thank you Marissa…now that would have been all too perfect. She was at that party but left quite early quite a social beautiful, smart young woman. The pizza is very delicious out of that oven, but that's because of the company too!!!

  • Marisa,

    So glad you reposted this link on your return to blogland, otherwise, I would have missed it!! WOW! What a gathering: yummy food, great conversation, family and lots of love! Your sister has a beautiful kitchen; that wood oven is perfection and your brother-in-law looks like quite the chef! What an amazing time your mother must have had at this special celebration of all her loved ones! Thanks for sharing the good times!


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