Oh August, You’re Here

Oh August, You’re Here
Is it me or have the days flown by…July is done
Ahem, let me say this again….this time can you hear my outburst   –
Four more weeks and we are done with summer… 
July flew by – I know we were super busy – we had Amelia’s Literacy Reading program at the library almost every night – 4th of July came and went, I work outside the home – in an office counting someone else’s beans and paying for them too.  So sometimes, it is draining to say the least. We had Harry (my fur-nephew) for a week. Now here we are:


 My plan is to enjoy the rest of the summer;
Check out what I am working on for you, for my next posts on Mangia, Mangia…No Talk:




The carrot sauce with Tagliatelle pasta
Potato, Zucchini, Squash Casserole
This was so good; and the only picture that I thought looked appetizing. I should have taken a picture of it in the baking tray but there were some burnt/crispy  pieces  on the top; that I thought didn’t look pleasing, turned out that they were me and my son’s favorite-
If you want to know why I added the word squash to the description above, this is what I used:
It’s called cucuzza squash – everyone in my family at some point grew this variety in their gardens– the sticker says that it comes from Louisiana – I think the word cucuzza is probably a dialect word meaning zucchini or squash – the formal word in Italian meaning zucchini is zucca.
I bought this baby at the supermarket, it was sold by the pound I don’t remember how many pounds it was but it cost around $4.00.
(check out how hubby is modeling the cucuzza squash)


Tzatziki sauce – yes I made it home made; it was very easy… and tasty too.
We used it on the chicken burgers that I made. Then one afternoon we all snacked on it with pita bread. (lunch) 
The other night, I made meatloaf for dinner. I like meatloaf, I like it only with sweet potatoes, – I make different meatloaf varieties, the one above has the same ingredients as do meatballs.  My family loves, my meatloaf dinners – and claim mine are the best – here’s the thing, my sisters insist that they make a good meat loaf too – I say we have a meatloaf throw down – maybe, we’ll see.

Chicken Burrito – I made pulled chicken earlier in the week and had so much leftover I decided to make chicken burritos – you know everyone was surprised.

Recipes will be posted soon – I promise
Mangia, Mangia…No Talk!!!

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