Notion To Feasting

Notion To Feasting
Which food do you eat but only endure and not enjoy?


From conception to consumption my meals are thought of, planned, and prepared… I imagine what the meal or meals should look like, how it should smell, and what it would taste like. I envision everyone’s reaction and hope that an acknowledgment is expressed.
On the most part I get the result that I aim for; so far not too many complaints, and at times the observations are not what I had anticipated, sometimes nothing … like crickets (insert cricket sound here) then other times I get wonderful compliments of gratitude and appreciation.
The truth is, although adulation and praise are great desires – my intent to nourish, to inform, is not meant to feed my ego but to provide everyone with a moment of contentment. 
This is what I endure and don’t enjoy. I do this because I want to, not for praise. Therefore, out on a limb, I crawl back to the table, I sigh, smile, and share what I know generously without a want of anything.
Mangia, Mangia…No Talk!!!


0 thoughts on “Notion To Feasting”

  • I endure broccoli. And I don't put nearly as much thought into our meals as you do. Perhaps once the little kids are in school I'll branch out.

  • Truth be told I endure this dry beef steak that is seasoned with garlic, cheese and herbs then rolled and cooked in tomato sauce – hubby loves it I tolerate it! Anyway you gave me a aha moment perhaps I put too much thought in my meals – I think I need a break!
    Thanks for stopping by!

  • what is it that raymond's mother always put in her Italian cooking? … love? LOLOL.
    i have felt that's what you put into your cooking… no matter what's on the menu.
    i'm sure at times it has to be exhausting.
    but… that's when you head for that fabulous favorite restaurant on the beach! 😀

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