Liebster Award

Good Morning…..I believe I am back; in the last week I became a year older!!!! ( It was a big one) I was fortunate to receiving wonderful wishes from all my friends (new and old) and family! Thank you everyone!So much has happened in the last two weeks and I will write about it.
But for now my new friend Tammy awarded me the Liebster Award and because this post is less than a month old I am recycling it and posting it again….please feel free to introduce yourself and become a friend!
Go Check out Peanut on the Table; Ms Tammy is a wonderful writer who is sensitive, and is so insightful!
So without anymore delay, I leave you where I started this post one month ago…please enjoy!
Last week (March) my new friend Marissa over at Heels and Daffodils honored me with the Liebster Award.
Consequently, without any more delay, here are the rules and let me begin:
1. Each blogger should post 11 random facts about themselves.
2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you, and then
create 11 new questions for the chosen bloggers.
3. Choose 11 new bloggers (with less than 200 followers) to pass the award to and link them in your post.
4. Go back to their page and tell them about the award.
5. No tag backs.
1. I am an early riser but not a morning person; I wake in the morning before everyone does, as early as 4 or 5 AM, have my cup of coffee in quiet and I write, surf the net, do yoga or on rough mornings watch infomercials. Some mornings are more productive than others are, and I will start to clean. On Sundays after my first cup of coffee, I cook for the week and our Sunday meal.
2. Having said all of the above, I don’t go to bed early at all, there is always something to do and after I do it, I like to veg in front of the TV and watch something; usually a show I have on DVR.
3. I love yoga; I really do, it is so healthy and the results are amazing!
4. One of my favorite things I like to do lately is crochet; I taught myself a year ago and so far, I made a couple of shawls, scarves, and a hat.
5. I love music; all different genres and this drives my husband to the point that he shakes his head. A song from Les Miserable can be followed by a song by White Stripes which will lead to a song from Neil Diamond, continue the madness with Antonio Vivaldi and carry on to something by Louis Prima.
6. I am afraid to mail any letters, I hate putting letters in mailboxes; it doesn’t stop there either I also hate to seal an overnight envelope. (I still do all of that, but I hate it.)
7. I worry about everything.
8. I journal and follow a format, one of my daily questions to myself is; what can heal you today? I have answered at times with “listening to Joni Mitchell,” or “listening to Van Morrison”.
9. Lately I am more disappointed than I am not…..not sure why but it’s a little bit of everything.
10. My husband told me once that I don’t know how to load a dishwasher and I agreed.
11. With the exception of my family; sisters, parents, Aunts, Uncles and cousins my husband is the only person that I know the longest; who is followed by brother-in-law Neil.
Now for the fun part Marissa’s questions to the nominees:
1. How did you come up with your blog name? Mangia, Mangia…No talk, translate as Eat, Eat… no talk and it is what my grand pa would say before our Sunday family dinner; I remember laughing when he said it. I started to say it, after adopting my kids, wanting to bond and create a positive food experience for them.
2. Are you a realist or an idealist? Realist….I used to be an idealist but that was 100 years ago.
3. What is your biggest pet peeve? I know this is weird and why should I care but people who wear pajamas out in public.
4. Are you a saver or a spender? Saver
5. Are you a touchy feely person? No, but I will hug back if I am being hugged.
6. What would you do with your life if nobody was watching, judging or commenting? Travel, roam and write.
7. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? Jamocha Almond Fudge
8. Are you superstitions? Don’t walk under a latter, black cat crossing you path, a rabbits foot will bring you luck etc… Yes, do not put shoes on the table.
9. Do you take morning or night showers? Morning showers
10. You get an unexpected check from your insurance company for $1000 dollars what do you do with it? Pay bills if anything is owed; or I put it in the bank.
11. What was the last perfume you bought? Chanel # 5; 3 ½ years ago I treated myself!
Now here are my questions, enjoy:
1. If you could go back in time and meet yourself at 17 years old, what you tell your younger self?
5. What is your favorite family meal tradition? (we like Friday night movie night)
6. How would you describe your personality as an egg? i.e. “over easy” “1 egg short of a 3 egg omelet”
11. Describe a memorable meal you ate?
O l LOved learning things about you… that was great!!! pjs in public.. No I would never.. you are too funny!!!
Thanks Marissa loved all your questions …this was fun!!!!!
Yes PJs out in public around here there are quite a lot of young girls (teens) and I have seen women too….my sister told me tonight that she has the same pet peeve too! LOL!
we are far behind the fashion trends here in the central southwest!
no pajamas in public!!! but many of the teens appear either to be wearing their tiny little sister's clothes ~ and the boys ~ their big brother's pants . . . that hang 10 inches below their crotch and drag the ground as they walk! LOL!
like marissa ~ i loved learning things about you too! it is fun.
you do feel a little exposed though. at least I did.
my pet peeve is newscasters that say "if you will" after their sentences. i want to scream back… "IF I WILL WHAT??? BELIEVE YOU???" lol.
i enjoyed reading this again as if it were the first time! LOL.
i think your questions are so creative. i had fun thinking about my answers.
thank you busy lady!