It’s Spring… the 11th hour – getting ready to relax

It’s Spring… the 11th hour – getting ready to relax
It’s Spring… the 11th hour – getting ready to relax
It’s that other time of the year when I feel that I’m at the 11thhour. 
It’s spring so much to be done, plant the perennials, my herbs, set up the yard, the pool, spring-cleaning, and switch the winter-summer clothes.
Even this post…needs to be punched out before the Hubs, and the kid comes and take over the computer to punch out a science project…  Oh Boy!
We had another busy weekend…first I like to say, my intention is to write one, two or three posts for the week on the weekends, well that seldom happens.
On Friday night, my son left to go camping with his friend and his friend’s parents. My daughter stayed home with us and was thrilled to have both her parents all to herself.
On Saturday morning, I tried to write…let’s leave it at that, with housework needing to be done, the morning flew by.
We headed out to get my hair done and afterward had lunch together ….frozen yogurt. Yum!
Then we stopped at Old Navy to get some summer clothes for my daughter; she grew, nothing fits from last year.
On the way home, we stopped at the supermarket for the weekly groceries, by the time we got home Nick had arrived. Nick thought it would be a good idea to get to Home Depot on Saturday night for our flowers and herbs rather than going Sunday morning…I did too, but I said, I’ll make dinner and then we’ll go. 
He thought it would be easier to eat out and go straight there …so we had a quick bite at Friendly’s.  Amelia’s choice, she was thrilled going out to dinner with just dad and me, no brother to annoy her.
That was Amelia’s drink- Sharks in the Water!!!!  
We didn’t get many flowers this year, some geraniums  for three pots on our side steps and for two planters in  the front of the house, 4 
New Guinea impatiens for 4 planters in the backyard, sod, and herbs….
Nick had to go back to Home Depot this morning for mulch… I told him that after I read my friend Tammy’s post, The Cozy Minimalist I wanted the peony bush that we saw there the night before.
We planted the peony in the front of our driveway right in between the Azalea bushes.
Today, (Sunday) was yard work for Nick–the kids helped too… I stayed in and prepared some dishes for the week and for our Sunday dinner.
Amelia helped dad, and when James came home, he helped too.
Inside, I roasted a chicken; I will figure out how to serve it one night this week.
I roasted sweet peppers and onions for a chicken sausage that will be barbecued. In addition, I roasted asparagus and broccoli too.  
I prepped today’s meal, beef, and chicken kebabs, a Greek Salad served with pitas, tzatziki sauce, and hummus.
Once I was done in the kitchen, I went outside and planted my herbs.
Welcome to my herb garden
Make a wish


My herbs are parsley, Sage, Rosemary, Mint, Mint Chocolate,(I’ll figure out what to do with that one) Oregano, Thyme, chives, (my sole survivor from last year), and basil.
Let’s all sing together: “Are you goin’ to Scarborough Fair? Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme. Remember me to one who lives there; she once was a true love of mine”
It’s almost done; next, we will work getting the pool ready and setting up the patio furniture…
Imagine next weekend is Memorial Day Weekend, it seems not so long ago I claimed “It’s snowing again!?” we have a couple celebrations planned for the weekend, with both of us working we only have the weekends, not much time, but it will be done.  It always does!
Mangia, Mangia…No Talk!!!


0 thoughts on “It’s Spring… the 11th hour – getting ready to relax”

  • we are kindred spirits…but do you get a headache when you step into Home Depot…I cannot wait to get out of there. Frozen yogurt is da bomb!!!!! Love it, it was Amelia's first time she loved it too!!!!

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