It’s over! Whew!

It’s over! Whew!


I have to say that on Christmas morning, my head was not on right!  It’s true, I was quite concerned about many things…


 Did the kids have a great Christmas?


 Did we give them enough gifts?

Did we overdo it?


My husband wanted to know what I wanted for Christmas this year and my answer was, “I want my kids to have a great Christmas!”
I got my wish!
We had a wonderful Christmas!
Christmas Eve was spent at my sister’s home…
…we had a wonderful time rejoicing in Christmas, we ate a spectacular Seafood feast and celebrated my nieces’ birthdays!
On Christmas Day I had my parents over, I made a fresh ham, wore my new Mangia, Mangia…No Talk apron that was given to me by a friend and co-worker.
How awesome is this apron?
Yet as I mentioned earlier, my head was in a fog, not sure why, but perhaps the holiday stress took a toll on me this year. I moved like a robot yet somehow I achieved what I needed to. I was not in the game; I know this because I forgot to take pictures of my feast and table.
Well, I did capture the appetizers and the before shot of the fresh ham.
Dad’s Seafood Salad!
Cured Black Olives
  Seasoned with minced/crushed garlic, red pepper flakes, and a couple of drops of extra virgin Olive Oil
Smoked mozzarella and Ricotta Salata cheeses.
Fresh Ham ready to be placed in the oven
On a bed of mirepoix seasoned with salt and black pepper, garlic cloves inserted all over
The ham was 16 lbs cooked on a low convection heat of 325 for about 5 1/2 hours; it was removed from the oven when the temperature was at 155 degrees   I covered it with tin foil, once the temperature was between 160-165 degrees it was carved and eaten.   My guideline was 20 minutes per pounds; I also basted this darling with chicken stock.  The juices were poured in a sauce pan,  I added a few dabs of gravy master, seasoned with a pinch of black pepper and a very tiny pinch of salt; (I tasted it first and felt it needed the salt and black pepper).  I continued simmering the gravy for a minute or two, and with an immersion blender, I blended and pureed the mirepoix into creamy gravy.
On a side note, on New Year’s Eve I noticed that all my pictures on my posts were gone…could it be Y2K or just a human mishap? Whatever it is, what is done is done. Therefore, slowly and surely I am re-uploading all my pictures accordingly.  Am I upset? Yes, a little bit …because I know why it happened; besides I can’t do any about it except reload the pictures one post at a time. The silver lining is that I can add watermarks to the pictures of the older posts; I am also inserting print friendly recipes as I go along…so if you are visiting and come across a post without pictures, don’t worry about it I will get to it eventually.
Mangia, Mangia…No Talk!


0 thoughts on “It’s over! Whew!”

  • Happy New Year, Marisa!

    Everything looks so scrumptious! And, your new apron is perfect! Glad your family had a lovely Christmas and wishing you the very best in 2014. May you be blessed with good health, love and happiness!

    Have a lovely week, my sweet friend!


  • oh marisa! what a thing to happen on your blog. as if you don't have ENOUGH to do!!!
    i love the pictures of your christmas. and your honesty about your worries.
    i think your wonderful little children would agree… the best part of christmas is being part of you and their dad's life! it's a gift you'll never be able to top dear heart! xoxo

  • I know Tammy but I am not worried or frantic just know it's got to get fixed and it will…I hope you had a lovely Christmas and a Happy New year as well.. I love your new blog and tried to leave a couple of comments not sure if they went through …if not, I loved channing's word and your Jacob so adorable…thanks for visiting… off to do my Saturday things – XO Marisa

  • Hi Marisa….
    Looks like you and your family had a wonderful Christmas….
    The same thing has happened to me….I tried to clear up some storage space in my picasa photos, and ended up deleting pictures from posts! I have also re added…as best as I can….
    A real pain for sure!
    Enjoy your week…..
    Linda :o)

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