It starts now…..

It starts now…..



It starts now…..
1. Pepper & Sweet Onion Frittata accompanied with a Tomato salad


2. Watermelon and Avocado Salad


3. Fried Chicken Cutlets


4. My Family- a happy three!

I have a serious confession to own up to; in the last year, 6 months, for some time now; I have been acutely lurking blogs and dreaming of becoming a blogger! Is there such a word? I have several blogs, I hope to do justice to all of them; my first on the list is:


Mangia, Mangia …No Talk!


If you have read my prior posts you will understand the name, and what it means to me. It is a saying from my past from someone who when I looked into his eyes for the last time …all I saw was love, pride and strength! My Nonno!


The time has come to stop the loitering, join the blogging world as a consistent writer and share my love of food! The cathartic feeling I get creating meals and the joy I have feeding my family and friends!




Love to hear from you; leave me a comment