Hazelnut Coffee Pet Peeve

Many years ago, I worked in Manhattan- I’m talking power suits, come and go to work wearing sneakers and leaving your shoes under your desk…. I worked on the same block as the Ed Sullivan Theater.
This was real, people – real corporate stuff
Each morning I’d make my way to the 33rd floor, but first I would have to pass the shop in the lobby and without fail – they always brewed Hazelnut flavored coffee.
It nauseated me every single time I walked through the lobby
…. I am so sorry to say this; I am not a fan of hazelnut flavored coffee, creamer or anything else that is made from hazelnuts- I love hazelnuts plain, I do like in a coffee cake, and in Nutella but not in coffee which then also includes the hazelnut creamer.
Did I mention Hazelnut flavored coffee; it actually made me nauseous. I don’t think it’s the coffee’s fault, I’m sure it would taste good, once I get past the aroma.
Truth is I think that shop in the lobby in Manhattan ruined me.
What are your food pet- peeves?
Mangia, Mangia…No Talk!
Boo…. I was going to serve you some hazelnut coffee when you come for a visit….
It is our favorite around here. as a matter of fact I am drinking as I type.
Maybe, we can get you something different?
Pet peeves? Girl don't get me started.
#1 People eating and talking with their mouths open.
#2 People over stuffing their plates at the buffet line like it's their last meal
#3 an opened can of coke in fridge.. Who is going to drink it? it's flat!
Oh I can go on and on ……
Hmmm, food pet peeves. Let me ponder that as I take a sip of my fresh brewed hazelnut coffee. No kidding, I sat down with my coffee to read your blog. Hazelnut is one of my favorites. LOL
like flgirl111 and marissa… am sitting here with a cup of the continental coffee …
it's café francaise. it's not their hazelnut brand but it has just the faintest flavor of hazelnut and I love it. my friend celia calls it my "cup of chemicals." LOL.
my food pet peeve is very similar to marissa… americans seem to be like pigs slopping at a trough when they eat. especially at those all you can eat buffets.
i can't stand liver. just the smell of it cooking. and seeing it. ewww!
actually have very few pet peeves for food. BUT . . .
i refuse to eat lobsters for the way in which they're cooked. plunged alive into boiling water. NOBODY can tell me that's not painful or traumatic.
and i refuse to eat babies. meaning adorable little lambs that have barely started to even live.
or veal. that's far worse to me…
the horrendous way they're tortured by keeping them in the DARK in a BOX …
just so their meat is white. THAT is abdominal to me. no excuse for it. not only a baby … but the mistreatment of it. so incredibly sad and unnecessary. and yet it goes on and on.
i think all of that above is barbaric and not worthy of us as human beings.
people don't eat puppies. at least not in this country…. that i know of.
but a playful little baby sheep? … so adorable … same difference to me. it's still a baby. and deserves to at least grow up before being slaughtered for somebody's dinner.
sorry to bring down the mood of your post!!!!
but you did ask! xoxo♥
I hoped you enjoyed your coffee this morning …no hard feelings everyone is entitled to like what they want right….like I said in my post I don't blame hazelnut coffee at all…hazelnut coffee is actual the victim here…I blame that darn shop for brewing tit so early in the morning permeating the lobby so strongly…. one day I will get past the smell and try a cup. thanks for visiting.
I would love it if we can chat over coffee in your back yard watching the hummers – of course make mine plain LOL Yes I agree with 1,2, 3 read what I write to Tammy it's quite a funny story.
Tammy you are so right hazelnut coffee should not be a pet peeve but everything you listed should be …I don't eat lobster either yes being cooked alive is so sad ..so talking about pigs slopping at troughs – James once told me in the car after we went food shopping that there was this man at the deli line – now the deli workers at our super market are so nice while they are slicing our orders they ask if we want a sample – I always decline but my kids will take a slice – so they ask everyone, well James tells me that this man at the deli counter was waiting for his order trying the sample and once got his deli meat as he was shopping he was eating it – James started laughing and said mom didn't you see him I said no I guess I was busy shopping – then James said he should wait until he gets home- you know the boy sees him all the time in Target and again at the supermarket and laughs to himself.-
you didn't bring down the mood at all – because it is true Americans are gluttons and we have all the symptoms to prove it.
here i am again. felt remorse ranting on and on like that. on this beautiful food blog!
even if you asked… i didn't have to do that.
and we wonder why she has high blood pressure. LOLOLOL!!!!
Don't you dare this is an open forum and did you see my response to you – I totally agree please enjoy the evening; tomorrow subject is what is your favorite food to crunch i'll have a sweet surprise for you my dear