Happy 4th of July Plus More; Ten Things Of Thankful

Happy 4th of July Plus More; Ten Things Of Thankful
Hello Everyone –
Last week was our first week to start the summer vacation. As you remember we started the last day of school at our church’s annual feast-well that didn’t stop there.   Our friends  Deb & Paul were quite generous and invited our family to Adventureland,   Deb scored 8 free tickets to ride on the rides–you don’t need to pay to get in–you pay to ride the rides so  thank you Deb and Paul.
Teddy had a visit to the groomer and he is quite the handsome pup.  I am thankful that he was able to get an appointment and came back to us safely.
I wrote every day last week for Blogher’s July   NaBloPoMo, for my other blog Squaarekat, I am thankful that I was able to, and proud too–another grateful mention is that the post after this one for Mangia, Mangia. No Talk, will be my 100th post…. J
Hubby and Amelia picked me up a telescopic back scratcher–it fits in my purse –LOL! Will I use it in public, maybe, not sure but definitely among friends, in the car and when I have to scratch an unreachable area–(my back) hahahaha!
I took a picture of my summer shoes…I think it is art; and yes I am thankful for my summer shoes- it’s one of my favorite things of summer.
We had a rainy 4thof  July and I loved it– thank you  mother nature–there was no  pressure this year we did  nothing-the barbecue party we were supposed to go to was postponed and moved to Saturday – sadly we could not go to that one – because I had committed to another barbecue.
We took our annual flag shirt picture and we (hubby and I) could not believe how much our kids have grown in the 4 plus 1 years that we have had/known them. 
Speaking of rainy 4thof July, I became the coolest mom when I chalked Amelia’s hair–I am thankful that it came our great and that she was happy with it.
This is a combined   thank you to our friends Deb and Paul for hosting a barbecue on Saturday, Laurie for bringing my favorite beer; Modelo Especial and to Deb’s mom  for all the great sparklers-the kids had a safe blast-there was good margaritas, good food, swimming, sparklers and my favorite beer–thank you!
I am thankful for being born in a country that is free and wonderful – I am thankful that my daughter and son are equally grateful for living in this country and I was thrilled that they we were able see beautiful fireworks in our own driveway, which was accompanied with me and my daughter oohing and aahing quite loudly.
Happy week ahead!


0 thoughts on “Happy 4th of July Plus More; Ten Things Of Thankful”

  • I do believe you are the only person I know who would say thank you for a rainy 4th of July. 🙂 I'm glad it worked out for you. Sounds like your summer has been full of fun already!
    Congrats on 100 posts!

  • thank you Kristi it was a wonderful weekend but truthfully I wouldn't know it if it wasn't for TTOT it allows me to reflect and focus what is important. thanks for visiting.

  • Ha Christine I guess I probably am the only one, I guess I was preparing for a rainy day; the weather channel was warning us all week. so when I got to have a day with just my family I was thrilled it was a relaxing day for all of us… next post makes 100 🙂 sending you tons of good wishes and in my prayers that the operation goes well followed by a speedy recovery. 🙂

  • I love the idea of an annual photo in flag shirts! Congrats on your upcoming 100th post.
    I wrote about your blogs on my blog today – and I look forward to reading your Virtual Blog Tour post next week!

  • Thank You I saw that very quickly at lunch today; I have to go back to read it again. Thank you again, it was awesome …. preparing for the 100th post not sure what to do. the flag shirts started the year we hosted our children and my niece suggested we take a picture together – we love that first picture so much that we sent them back to the orphanage with a photo album for each of them of pictures of their time with us and that picture as the cover…when we got them for good we kept doing it. TY again

  • What a wonderful week you had! I especially love that you are thankful for the backscratcher. Is it one that looks like a fork with the tines cut short and rounded? We have a bunch of those around and they are awesome!

  • LOL – yes it is – of course it's awesome especially i can take it with me…my husband and daughter saw it at a store and wanted to buy it for me because they remembered how impressed I was that my sister had one, and scratched her back in Target (I know TMI)…of course my husband witnessed this and had to ask her if it was for her hairy back! LOL!!! 🙂

  • Beautiful and fun mosaic, Marisa! So great to see your pics, always – you have such a sweet family!!

    Hope you have a wonderful week!


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