Happy 4th of July

Happy 4th of July

These are my parents, that baby, dad is holding is; yes, you guessed it, it’s me!
Because of them, I am a proud American!
The family set their sights to America,
I just learned that my grandfather, Nonno Mecuzzo came to America in 1953 on this ship:

Figure 1http://cruiselinehistory.com/ss-conte-biancamano-italian-line-history/

My Dad followed him in the spring of 1954 on the famous Andrea Doria, the rest of the family came along in the fall of 1954.

Dad made the trip back to Italy in 1956 to marry my mom; and my came  in 1958, every single one of my family was greeted by this gracious lady;

“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me: I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”― Emma Lazarus






We have been taking flag shirt pictures every year since we’ve been together!
We will be taking one this year, once every lazy bone is up!
Today we will be at my sister’s enjoying our family, good food, swimming, baseball, drinks and desserts!
Oh and yeah, jello shots…. Frozen Margarita Jello Shots , and a Tomato avocado salad, yum!
I promise recipe will follow-
But for now —-I need to say Happy 4th of July
Enjoy the day! Be safe !

Mangia, Mangia….No Talk!


0 thoughts on “Happy 4th of July”

  • I love hearing stories of how and why people came to this country; thanks for sharing yours. I love your tradition of flag shirt photos!

  • Hi Marisa,

    Lovely post! It's so interesting how previous generations got to 'the new world'. My grandmother and grandfather went to Toronto by ship in 1958 and if it weren't for them I wouldn't be a lucky and proud Canadian! Thanks for sharing. Hope you had a wonderful 4th of July!


  • Thank you Poppy ….I love reading about your garden, I also have distant cousins that came from Italy and settled in Toronto a beautiful city that I visited a few times as a child!

  • oh oh oh! marisa!
    i love this post! the ships… nonno mecuzzo! your mom and dad! your dad going back to marry your mom and bringing her here.
    oh such memories of wonderful people. and your baby picture!
    and then the pictures of the 'marisa gang!' so adorable in your shades and old navy shirts. some happy little munchkins you have now. life is good.

  • Thank you Tammy – its funny we started taking these pictures the year they visited us and haven't stopped since partly because I am now reminded that we need to take our family picture; and I am also told not to forget to by our flag shirts. LOL! On a sideline note when my Dad came here the first time, while on the boat that was when he first learned about an invention called the Television just barely in his early twenties!!!

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