Falls Edible Treats

I am a picker …yes that is a word; leave it on the counter top, place it in a bowl and I will help myself every time I pass it. M&M’s are my first love running at a close second is candy corn.
Candied apples were always my favorite growing up – along with the Waxed Halloween Candy; do you remember the waxed lips? I do. I remember these waxed musical whistles that really worked, but before I can finish song that whistle was eaten all up.
Although I have a very strong sweet tooth, and both candy corn and M&M’s are my weakness’ I do love to pick on the healthier options as well; fall fruit and vegetables
Pomegranates – yes, I do pick on these too, I place the ruby pearls in a bowl and I start to munch. If I am not feeling well, like a bad cold or flu, I steep the pomegranates in tea. It helps me clear up a cold.
I like this licorice taste, growing up it was custom to put these out after dinner with some nuts. My mother-in-law would accompany these with olive oil, garlic and a generous amount of black pepper to dip in. I like them plan- and as a snack any time of day.
You remember the old saying “An Apple a Day….
Well it’s true (well I think it is) so lately an apple for breakfast is all I need.
Mangia, Mangia…No Talk!
i'm a picker too! as a matter of fact it's my favorite way to eat.
I've never thought of eating fennel like that! but i'll certainly take your word for it!
my weakness right now is peanuts. lightly roasted and a bit of salt. not the most healthy way to eat them i know… but so good.
i know a lot of people this year dry out pumpkin seeds and eat them. i like them too.
Picking is a weakness indeed but those peanuts sound so yummy.