English Muffin Pizzas

English Muffin Pizzas
Last week I invited my friend over for a late lunch….
The supermarket that I shop in had English muffins on sale!

English Muffins Split open
Marinara Sauce (recipe to follow)
Shredded Mozzarella


Marinara Sauce Recipe
1 clove of garlic,
1 large can of sauce 28 oz. (puree, crushed tomato)
1 tablespoon of olive oil,
A pinch of salt, pepper, and basil
Sautee the chopped garlic in the oil, don’t let that brown, let that cook for about 4 minutes or less add sauce, salt, pepper and basil bring to a boil, stir often, lower heat to a simmer, cook for about 30 minutes.  That’s it, it’s done; so much tastier than jarred sauce….trust me on this! 
Preheat oven to 350
Line muffins on baking trays,  spoon onto each muffin a spoonful or two of sauce  add the shredded mozzarella cheese, sprinkle little pinches of dried oregano…optional toppings can be olives, anchovies, pepperoni, and mushrooms.
Place trays in oven and bake for about 20- 25 minutes…the cheese melts and the English muffins become crispy.

Mangia, Mangia…No Talk!


0 thoughts on “English Muffin Pizzas”

  • YUM!!!! now THIS is something i would fix for myself! love it! xoxo
    and i never tire of seeing pictures of your family and friends.
    except you need to get a tripod so you can be in the picture too. xo!

  • I love pizzas made at home on English muffins! And Ciabatta rolls, have you ever tried them? No worrying about whether the pizza place would get the order right, just knowing that what your family likes will be done right!


  • Thanks Dewena for stopping by we love these and so easy I will have to try making these with ciabatta rolls …I love ciabatta bread and rolls too thanks for the tip sounds yummy!

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