Dinner Is Planned – Dinner Is Served

Dinner Is Planned – Dinner Is Served
Dinner Is Served
Every Weekend I go through my supermarket flyers; I plan my shopping on what we will have for dinner during the week.
This is the first page; and I go through the entire flyer picking items that I need and choosing groceries for our meals.
Above, is this week’s shopping list.  I gave it to my husband and son on Sunday morning; I couldn’t go on Saturday because I needed to be home for my daughter, so James and Nick went for me on Sunday.
The list above is for the meals we will have for the week.


Mangia, Mangia…No Talk!

0 thoughts on “Dinner Is Planned – Dinner Is Served”

  • I admire you Marisa!
    I wish I had the same discipline. I spent way too much money at the grocery store and go like 3 times a week, My bill is always very high as a result. I seriously just don't have time like I used to, so I send my husband and well, you know men. they get things like cookies, frozen pies, and stuff I would never eat. One day I will get it together. Hopefully soon!

  • When the big kids were little, I used to do a great job of planning meals and reading the flyers. Not so much anymore. Our plans change by the minute, thus wreaking havoc on any dinner plans I had. I just have to make sure I have things on hand to make a quick dinner or a more involved meal every night.
    I'm impressed with the list! Did they veer from the list at all?

  • you eat so healthy i think!
    you make me almost wish I loved to cook.
    but. alas.
    i don't.
    i think i liked it better when i cooked for bob and robin. now for just one… not so much.
    although i LOVE to read cook books and watch cooking shows and read mangia mangia! LOLOL
    seeing your menu for the week was fun. and the kids are learning to like a lot of different foods.
    our robin was pretty good about eating a variety of food.
    BUT… nothing on her plate could touch.
    yup. she was one of those! LOLOL. used to drive her father crazy. 😀

  • When everyone has something to do its really hard to stick to a plan I agree there are nights we deviate from the menu too if there is something happening at the school it usually starts at 630 or 7 I'm walking in at 6 so forget a cooked meal that night.

    Nick follows the list to a tee but ends up buying cookies, or donuts , or ring dings whatever catches his eye when he comes home he tells me that there was a little old lady who insisted that he buy that item and she wouldn't take no for an answer – he says she scared me I had to buy it, I laugh 🙂

  • if I lived alone i wouldn't cook either so I get it …enjoy your time.
    Amelia doesn't like her food touching and James smells everything before he eats – I mean that nose gets real close, LOL!
    When I was little I would eat one thing at a time we all have our ways –
    Did Robin live with you and Bob?
    psst now a days parents lets kids eat out of many plates so the food won't touch – would Bob have opted to that? 🙂

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