Baby its Cold Out There…..Soups on!

Baby its Cold Out There…..Soups on!

I make this soup often but I never posted it before, because I don’t think Split Pea Soup photographs well!
You can be the judge of that!

Happy Belated Easter Everyone

Happy Belated Easter Everyone

We had a wonderful and quiet weekend, I was home on Friday; took a spur of the moment vacation day (by spur of the moment I mean, I asked for it on Tuesday, rather than weeks ago)

Vegetable Minestrone

Vegetable Minestrone

Nick’s Favorite Soup (he doesn’t like soup…but loves this one)


Vegetable Minestrone

A Memory is created

A Memory is created

 A movie has to be or feel like its being narrated; as if someone is reading you a story.
The movie must have one or two memorable lines – if it has more (BONUS!) (What I mean about that – If I say,“take the cannoli…leave the gun”; you know I’m quoting The Godfather!(See what I did, I had to use a food example.)
 Last but very important – It must, must, must have a beautiful soundtrack!

Tuesday Night is for B-Ball Practice!

Tuesday Night is for B-Ball Practice!

Tuesday Night is for Basketball Practice