Catching up –

Bow Tie Pasta with Walnut Sauce (Yummy recipe will follow)
It’s been a while since I posted a recipe, yet with everything going on, I want you all to know I did cook and was able to take some photos….
So I survived the holidays, I’m not sure if it’s only me, but the holidays beat me up each year – it’s true I am on a stress level that’s not enjoyable. The pressure starts around Halloween and lasts through New Year’s Day – yet I do what I can for everyone around me – oh they all hear the whining, and the sighs but those are covered-up quickly or just ignored. Ha!
We started our new year with our traditional Eggs Benedict and French toast breakfast…or brunch.
At the local beach, we cast our stones into the water.
This year collectively we want to read good, have good grades – be loved, stay healthy, have fun, be happy, succeed, feel peace; etc., etc. etc.
Honey BBQ Wings served on Super Bowl Sunday!
Yes, we had a Super- Bowl party just family came; it was fun!
We left the vast frozen land of the north east (btw I do notice Amelia not wearing her hat – just acting cool about it) and headed south to visit the Mother-In- law, brother-in law, sister-in-law and this little fellow.
This is little Lucky!
Of course we missed our Teddy !
Visited some old friends
connected as a family (a not so shameless selfie)
We have been back for some time now …still battling the cold long winter, going along our daily schedule, and now I’m fighting off an ear infection and a case of not sure what I want to write about…syndrome!
Oh, my gals and I had a girl’s night out; we call it feet and eat we went to a foot spa, got our feet and back massaged! Oh how relaxing!
Then we went to a local pub; when I posted on Facebook where I was; guess who showed up?
Sista with her Mista! Another not so shameless selfie….
After dinner, my friends and I had this:
A Cronut …it was good (sorry no pics to share too much fun!)
Therefore, nothing much more to say…always busy; but busy at what…its life…right? We all do what we can! Let’s have fun doing it!!!!
Mangia, Mangia…No Talk!!!
i love it that you've played catch up on mangia mangia no talk!
and the pictures of the yummies…. .
why i can love them when i don't like to cook is beyond me!!!
just a mark of your wonderful blog. i've enjoyed browsing again.
and especially like the picture of little amelia holding her daddy's hand. so sweet.
and then with her arm around her sweet brother. how many guys put up with that at their ages?
these are special kids marisa! and it's in no small part due to you and nick i know!
loved the trip and all the green and crystal blue pool and then … aaagggghhhh !!!!
back to wintertime!
i hope spring comes soon to you all dear heart.
i'm always telling you to get some rest! LOLOL.
some people say "have a nice day" all i can think of is "get some rest my marisa!!!!"
xoxo ♥ give teddy bear a hug from me.
thank you Tammy for stopping by, the trip was a nice break; yes Amelia has a way to get to her brother every single time, it is quite funny to watch I know spring is near the forsythias looks like they well bloom soon, hopefully by Friday on a (clearing of the throat) special day…. enjoy your walk tomorrow oh and I bow to you Yoga; my favorite form of exercise —-an exercise that you can do with bare feet and eyes closed!!!!
I am not sure why the yummies look good I hope that what I convey is that what you see is what you get and that everyone is welcome to feast on my meals!
Hi Marisa,
It's always so much fun reading about your adventures! You're a busy lady with an active family life, too! That cronut looks delicious! I heard that the man who started the craze had to shut down to an infestation of some sort!
Love your selfies!
Happy Easter to you and your family!
Happy Easter to you too my friend…its always nice having a girls night out…I have no idea about the cronut heard about that it was the latest craze so when saw it on the menu we all had to try it…it was good but not great! I always think you need try it all just to get curiosities out of the way! LOL
Enjoy your week and the holidays!!!