Author: Marisa B

My Favorite Restaurant, On A Summer Night

My Favorite Restaurant, On A Summer Night

Let’s meet tonight at our favorite place…bring a cooler and towels.

We’re In The Middle – Getting Ready for the Summer Months

We’re In The Middle – Getting Ready for the Summer Months

Guess What?
We are in the middle
The middle of the week
The middle of the month
The middle of NaBloPoMo
So, I’m going to be like
Sue Heck

All that, And a Bag of Chips!

All that, And a Bag of Chips!

All that, And a Bag of Chips!  
It’s almost lunch….actually, it’s past lunchtime and I am still working on a spreadsheet, my tummy is growling, and all I want to do is get this job done.
Therefore, feeling stressed, I leave everything and go to get lunch because I’m hungry and I did not bring lunch from home.
I go to the 7-11 on the corner, buy a couple of “Win For Life” scratch-offs, a bag of my favorite chips Salt & Vinegar, a Diet Doctor Pepper and a large bottled water.
Dark chocolate …(sigh); another weakness; so why do I do it? Eat junk; I am not certain, but I assure you the last time I had a lunch of chips and soda was probably a year ago.  However, the last time I had chocolate was not a year ago. Was I stressed then, probably, yet most days I am. Who isn’t stressed or anxious these days?  Can I blame my stress on one thing…not really…truly I know it’s me, and I need to relax; although in my defense, a year ago was a stressful time for me. In truth I love Salt & Vinegar chips, dark chocolate and yes Diet Dr. Pepper. Do I eat these every day?  No, I don’t …so when I did eat them, did it make me feel better. Not really, or maybe. Did it make me feel worse…nah I don’t thinks so either, but I did feel somewhat guilty afterwards. 
Why should I feel guilty?  Some days it’s okay to divulge in something not so healthy, for that day it’s what I needed.  Because for that one moment,  it was one less thing to worry about…just me, my chips, my Diet Dr. Pepper, and my lottery scratch-off!  I even think I won $20 bucks that day!
Mangia, Mangia…No Talk!


Pasta and Peas Or Pasta con Piselli

Pasta and Peas Or Pasta con Piselli

To me this is comfort food, one of my favorite pasta dishes – I enjoy it with breaded chicken cutlets. It is delicious; a must try!

Tasty Is Nutritious Too

Tasty Is Nutritious Too

All I can say is I’m doing my best and feel that it can be done; creating a nutritious tasty meal is possible.

The Kitchen Is Closed but Happy Mother’s Day!

The Kitchen Is Closed but Happy Mother’s Day!

The Kitchen Is Closed but Happy Mother’s Day!
The pictures of the dishes above and below are one of my favorite meals; breaded Chicken Cutlets, a salad, and Pasta with peas.   Breaded chicken cutlets are so good and guess what, they are not baked but fried…hey it’s not like I make them every day, so in moderation I say it’s OK!
I am sorry to say that the recipes will have to wait until next time….
To all you wonderful women, have a fun-filled day – Have a very Happy Mother’s Day to each one of you; whether you are a mother of 200 or a beautiful nurturing soul of none! Mother’s Day celebrates a heart full of love, selflessness, warriors, and nurturers….
Happy Mother’s Day!
Mangia, Mangia…No Talk!!!


Pasta with Walnut Sauce

Pasta with Walnut Sauce

I make this Walnut Sauce often, it’s easy and of course tasty as well as being one of James’ (my son) favorite meals.

Cucumber & Mango Salsa (Salad)

Cucumber & Mango Salsa (Salad)

I made cucumber and mango salsa last night, for our Cinco De Mayo celebration.  No recipe, everything was eyeballed. This is what I call instinctual cooking.