Author: Marisa B

Spinach, Feta, and Tomato Chicken Burgers

Spinach, Feta, and Tomato Chicken Burgers

This made me think that I could make these burgers myself for the fraction of the cost.

Ten Things of Thankful – It’s Summertime Isn’t That Enough

Ten Things of Thankful – It’s Summertime Isn’t That Enough

It is officially summer, the last day of school was on Thursday.   My first thankful, is that I was able to take two vacation days!   Second that I left a clean desk, and felt comfortable leaving;(me going back in will be another issue 

Yard is Done… Ten Things of Thankful

Yard is Done… Ten Things of Thankful

So I’m thinking that maybe I shouldn’t write a Ten Thankful this week…I am not sure what or if I have ten things to be thankful of.   But because I am who I am, I won’t give up and figured, once I start writing it will all come flooding in; after all showing up is the first step to anything, writing, succeeding, achieving; right?
Therefore, here goes:
An old friend is battling a very critical sickness and we are praying for our friend that he comes through.  When I spoke to his cousin, who is one of my oldest and dearest friends, she told me that he is still critical but things  are more hopeful…she proceeded to tell me how she is praying every night,  and also meditating with her Aunt’s Rosary Beads.  Last week she prayed to the angels and asked for a sign, a very specific sign.  She told me that, she said out loud I am taking random pictures of the clouds with my phone please show yourself to me ….two pictures of clouds did reveal an angel or angels, she sent them to me, sadly I did not see them, yet .. I am not in the same mind set as my friend is ….I lost my faith a long time ago… oh I still believe in God and pray, I go to church but it is more of an understanding or out of respect. As for Angels, she reminded me that I was the one to tell her about Angels, and about guardian angels. She asked, “Do you still talk to yours”? It took me by surprise because I have not. 
So I am thankful of the Angels my friend saw in her clouds, and that she reminded me that faith is much bigger than we can fathom… it is always there, we just need not only to believe, but to feel it.
It does exist; the power of prayer, and that all things are possible with a light heart, a light spirit, believing and being positive.
I have known Christine for almost 30 years; I met her after I married my husband, who hung out with her brother, but often times Christine hung out too. After we were married, our apartment was where everyone hung out.  Chris is funny and kind, smart and generous with her time and love.  During our friendship, she met the love of her life, her soul mate – her husband Jeff, and moved away to the country.  We have always kept in touch and when we talk on the phone, we can talk for hours…like way past our bedtimes.  Not only has our friendship stood the test of time, but also the miles…she reminded me Thursday night that faith exists…logic is okay, it’s okay to worry, but it’s better to be positive and believe in Angels, believe in prayer and just believe.
I was very thankful for Friday, and having two days off.
My friend Deb for posting this on Facebook, thank you Deb –I needed that.
Closet is 100% done now with all my summer shoes are out and my winter shoes packed.  YAY!
Our pool is open and ready!
That’s Bob our pool; we name the pool because it is a great presence in our yard.
Yard is done and we will enjoy it this year.







My Herb Garden







It’s thriving!
Teacher’s gifts




Amelia has five teachers, aren’t they adorable… in a gift bag with a Dunkin Donut gift card and we are done!
Mangia, Mangia…No Talk!!!


Ten Things of Thankful Many Things to be Thankful For

Ten Things of Thankful Many Things to be Thankful For

Last weekend we finally switched the winter clothes with the summer clothes…

My first Ten Things of Thankful

My first Ten Things of Thankful

I decided to join Ten Things of Thankful
Now if I can figure out how to link with everyone it’ll be,
Party Time!
Before I start with my Ten  –  I’d like to say that I need to do this – I truly do, so one huge Thank you to all of you for starting this, keeping it going and luring me in.
Here goes….

Father’s Day 2013 – a look back

Father’s Day 2013 – a look back

It’s almost the man’s day … you know the man right?
That man you fell in love with and decided that you both had a special bond.
You both set out with common goals and along the way, you knew how kind and nurturing he was; after all, in the beginning he nurtured your needs and took care of the both of you.
It’s almost Father’s Day… what are you planning for the first man that your children love?
You know how important that is, especially for daughters …I am hoping that when Amelia is older and falls in love, that whomever she ends up with, has large shoes to fill…
Same holds true for my son… I hope that he treats his future wife by example how dad treated me.
Our fist babies were the furry kind; there was Lucky a beautiful and loving German Shepard- a gentle soul who had no idea how intimidating he could be.
Our second baby was a rambunctious beagle mix who always had an opinion and an agenda….in his last three years of his life, Rocky became diabetic, and as a result lost his vision.  Everyday daddy gave him the insulin shots, and made sure he didn’t hurt himself.  Rocky only wanted Nick to give him the shots; however, he trusted both of us to be his eyes. 
Throughout the years, our nieces, nephews and friends’ children always wanted Nick near, and every single one always had a special bond with him.  He talked to them and made them feel special.  He made them laugh and he would laugh with them.
It continues with our own children.  
Father’s day 2013
Knock, Knock …who is it?   Candygram!!!!!
Dear Dad for Father’s Day we wanted to give you a shopping “Spree”
Take you to a “Symphony”
Or give you a “100 Grand”
“Whatchamacallit” because you “Skor” high in our book!
But on “Payday” all we can get you was a “KitKat” (his favorite)
Love your “3 Musketeers”
Amelia drew a self-portrait, and
Sang Snuggle Puppy 
A little love song
By Sandra Boynton
I love you!
Happy Father’s Day, Daddy!
Mangia, Mangia…No Talk!!!


Mangia, Mangia… No Talk, Nurtures’ Too

Mangia, Mangia… No Talk, Nurtures’ Too

Would you feel nervous or confident cooking dinner for a professional chef?

Notion To Feasting

Notion To Feasting

From conception to consumption my meals are thought of, planned, and prepared… I imagine what the meal or meals should look like, how it should smell, and what it would taste like. I envision everyone’s reaction and hope that an acknowledgment is expressed.