Author: Marisa B

In a pinch…dinner

In a pinch…dinner

– could be dinner or not…try it as a snack or lunch…probably its true intention.

Twas the night before October

Twas the night before October

They made scary cupcakes

Carrot (summer) Sauce – Also Known As Flo’s Sauce

Carrot (summer) Sauce – Also Known As Flo’s Sauce


Carrot (summer) Sauce – also known as Flo’s Sauce
Flo is my sister Silvana’s mother-in-law, she has made this sauce probably forever – it’s so easy – it can be quick, but I slow cook this sauce.
Flo’s Carrot Sauce
I am not sure what the quantity of the ingredients are that Flo puts into her sauce – the sauce is the same except I adapted my own amounts.
[lt_recipe name=”Carrot (summer) Sauce – also known as Flo’s Sauce” servings=”4 to 12 – or this sauce can be stored in three large deli containers, each container is good for 1 lb of pasta” prep_time=”15 MINUTES” cook_time=”1 HOUR TO 2 HOURS” total_time=”2 HOURS AND 15 MINUTES” difficulty=”Easy” summary=”A simple fresh sauce” print=”yes” image=”×595.jpg” ingredients=”One Entire Container of Mirepoix Mix ( if your supermarket sells fresh Mirepoix buy it. It saves so much time, buy 2, use the carrots from the second container.;;Otherwise, you will need: 3 or 4 carrots peeled and diced;1 or 2 stalks of celery sliced and diced;1/2 Tablespoon of olive oil;4 large cans of Crushed Tomato Sauce;Salt and Black Pepper;Fresh or dry basil;2 or 3 leaves fresh basil cut or slice, ;if using dry basil a small pinch will do;Romano Cheese or Parmigiana Cheese;Submerge blender or regular blender;” ]In a large pot, coat the bottom with some olive oil – a half of tablespoon is enough, add mirepoix mixture, sauté on low medium heat until softened, about 5 minutes, add a small pinch of salt to sweat the carrots, onions and celery.;Once the softness is achieved add sauce, you can also rinse the cans with water and add the water, raise the heat a little bit and add salt another good size pinch, a small pinch of black pepper, then the basil.; Once the sauce comes to a low boil, lower the heat to a low simmer, or use the lowest possible setting you have on your stove, let the sauce simmer for about 2 hours. The sauce thickens, so I semi to fully cover the pot during the time it is cooking. Occasionally stir the sauce preventing it from burning or sticking to the bottom of the pot.; At the end of the two hours, blend the sauce, carrots, celery, and onions, using a submerge blender, I think it is easier and somewhat safer. I am afraid to put the hot liquid into a blender knowing that it can explode out- Flo told me that if I use the blender I have to cover the blender with a towel and to add it in batches – No thank you- sounds too complicated – the submerge blender works well, yet I am also careful that it doesn’t splatter; The carrot sauce can be frozen in 3 large deli containers, each container is good for 1 lb. of macaroni- the type of pasta that we use for the sauce are: Rigatoni, Macaroni, Ziti, Farfalle, and Tagliatelle Nests;; Boil your water for the pasta, add a handful of salt (I use sea salt) follow the instructions on the box, if the box says boil 8 minutes, do that. The pasta should be a perfect “Al Dente” consistency. Combine sauce and pasta together and add 1 or 2 generous handfuls of cheese (this is optional and/or can be added to individual plates) – mix and serve.[/lt_recipe]
One entire container of MirePoix Mix from Trader Joe’s, if I use the second container, I use only the carrots, leaving the onions and celery for something else. If you cannot find Mirepoix, use the ingredient list below for carrots, onions,  
3 or 4 carrots peeled and diced
I chopped onion
1 or 2 stalks of celery sliced and diced
Four large cans of Crushed Tomato Sauce.
Olive Oil
Salt and Black pepper
Fresh or dry basil – fresh cut basil use 2 or 3 leaves cut or slice; if using dry basil a small pinch will do
Romano Cheese or Parmigiana Cheese
Submerge blender or regular blender


In a large pot, coat the bottom with some olive oil – a half of tablespoon is enough, add mirepoix mixture, sauté on low medium heat until softened,  about 5 minutes,  add a small pinch of salt to sweat the carrots, onions, and celery.
Once the softness is achieved add sauce, you can also rinse the cans with water and add the water, raise the heat a little bit and add salt another good size pinch; a small pinch of black pepper and the basil.
Once the sauce comes to a low boil, lower the heat to a low simmer, and cook for about 2 hours.  The sauce thickens, so I semi to fully cover the pot during the time it is cooking.
At the end of the two hours, you need to blend the carrots, celery, and onions into the sauce.  I use a submerge blender, finding it easier and safer. I am afraid to put hot liquid into a blender knowing that it can explode out-  Flo told me that I have to cover it with a towel and to add it in batches – No thank you  – the submerge blender works well.  
This sauce can be frozen in 3 large deli containers, each container is good for 1 lb. of macaroni- the type of pasta that we use for the sauce are:
Tagliatelle Nests




Boil your water for the pasta, follow the instructions on the box, if the box says boil 8 minutes, do that. The pasta should be a perfect “Al Dente” consistency.   Combine sauce and pasta together and add 1 or 2 generous handfuls of cheese (this is optional and/or can be added to individual plates) – mix and serve.



Mangia, Mangia…No Talk!!!


Ten Things of Thankful – Thirteen Years plus Cousins, Equals a Night of Laughter and Smiles

Ten Things of Thankful – Thirteen Years plus Cousins, Equals a Night of Laughter and Smiles

We shared a Coke with family last Saturday, my husband’s cousins Mike and Barbara.  We did not see each other in 13 years.  –

Oh August, You’re Here

Oh August, You’re Here

Ahem, let me say this again….this time can you hear my outburst   –

Ten Things of Thankful – A Quickie

Ten Things of Thankful – A Quickie

 I have to make this quick and random thankfuls, so much to do today, it’s Saturday I need to clean the house, laundry and oh I’m having company over for a barbecue.
First on the list, I was thankful that I took a vacation day yesterday to get some much-needed errands completed.
I am thankful that my husband’s cousin will be coming over today for a BBQ – we have not seen him in over 10 years.  Both Barbara and Mike will be over today at 3 PM or 3:30 and hopefully we all start where we left off. When we first got married Mike would hang out with us often, he sort of moved in with us, but would go back home for clean clothes. When he met Barbara, the four of us always hung out – we were on a bowling league together and were inseparable – sadly, a few distant miles and a not so reliable car (ours) kept us from seeing each other.  I will post pictures and feature our simple BBQ soon. Both Barbara and Mike –  have been forewarned, you come over, you will be featured on my blog.  Unless you don’t want to – I respect that too.
I finished the NaBloPoMo July‘s challenge and I am thankful that it is done – writing every day is tough – coming up with content is hard too.  I am in awe of every single one of you that can come up with great subjects so effortlessly.
I am so thankful to my friend Laurie, who I think will be taking my kids to a soccer game tonight- well I think I got that from her email.  Nevertheless, even if it doesn’t happen tonight she is always taking my kids somewhere.
So apparently, because I am a night owl I am also intelligent- I came across thisarticle called:
Intelligent People All Have One Thing In Common: They Stay Up Later Than You – by LAUREN MARTIN
It’s an interesting article and I was thankful that I found it- I don’t think that I am smart but it is nice to know that when I am up very late punching out a post, reading, and researching something online, I am in good company.
Another surprise, and a thankful, was that in the last two weeks during the time that I was writing posts for NaBloPoMo at Squaarekat; six different posts spanning the last two weeks were among the top five on NaBloPoMo.   I am not sure what that means, I didn’t get too many comments; actually, I got one that posted on Blogher.  Besides I didn’t gain any more followers, yet someone or some people were interested enough to open the darn posts and either read the first line or read the whole thing – Thank You
Not much happened this week, we are all good so I am thankful for that too.
James and Amelia know and realize that they are in a deficit when it comes to their academics; I am so thankful that at some point during the day they are reading, practicing their math, working on the schools website with extra curriculum activities.
On Sunday  our family will get together with my sisters and parents – I know we will all have laughs – I’ll get to see my nieces and nephews  – as my daughter always says and writes on cards; I am thankful for my family.
I know Silvana will have something funny to say about this or she will just agree…I am thankful that I am my mom’s favorite.
It’s a wrap –
Mangia, Mangia…No Talk!!
July Is Over

July Is Over

What is a writer without a reader; similar to the sound of one hand clapping.



Let’s talk water – is everyone drinking their eight glasses a day?