A Memory is created

A Memory is created


Did you know that I love movies? A good movie that is….I cannot tolerate silly, poor acting, horrible stories, scary like torture scary, something always goes wrong plots… my brain cannot process any of those things I mentioned.  Nevertheless, I love, love, love watching movies in the comfort of my own home….I rarely go out to movie theaters.
I love movies so much I have my very own top 20; top 10, top 5 lists; and I have a three criteria rule that makes a great movie:
  •  A movie has to be or feel like its being narrated; as if someone is reading you a story.
  • The movie must have one or two memorable lines – if it has more (BONUS!) (What I mean about that -If I say,“take the cannoli…leave the gun”; you know I’m quoting The Godfather!)(See what I did, I had to use a food example.)
  •  Last but very important – It must, must, must have a beautiful soundtrack!
      Why am I writing about movies…well, it is Oscar week, and I cannot wait to sit my bottom on the couch and enjoy the Academy Awards. I am not sure what my meals will be for the week, I have not thought about it yet.
 I have been thinking about movies that feature feasts, meals, and food! One movie I’ve been thinking of is:


Like Water for Chocolate… I read the book too.


Tita cooked for her family and took care of her mother…..she was in love with a man.  He wanted to marry Tita, but her mother forbade it, and offered her older sister to Pedro …Tita’s role was to take care of her mother.  Pedro accepted and married Tita’s sister in order to be close to Tita.   Tita cooked the feast for the wedding; as she was making the wedding cake, she cries into the batter. When the guests ate the cake they all became aroused with nostalgic thoughts and remembered their own unrequited love.  When Tita saw how everyone reacted, crying and running off, she realized her power with food and vowed that every meal would be a love letter to her true love.  Wow….

In the pictures above, I am making meatballs from the ground-up chicken breast, for Chicken Soup. 


Top three characteristics of a great meal:  

1. From the very first bite, it should stimulate your mind of what is yet to come!

2. A memory is created…. whether it’s the smell, or the taste of the meal, or a “saying” it is remembered.

3. Friends or Family expressing their thoughts are accompanied by the beat of utensils, creating a harmonious tempo.








[lt_recipe name=”Chicken Soup With Meatballs” servings=”4 to 6 people” prep_time=”30 MINUTES” cook_time=”60 MINUTES + 30 MINUTES” total_time=”90 MINUTES” difficulty=”Not difficult ” summary=”Chicken Soup With Meatballs” print=”yes” image=”https://www.mangiamangianotalk.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/122612-269-2-595×446.jpg” ingredients=”For The Soup:;;1 container of Mirepoix ( a time saver if your supermarket has it buy it) ;Or you will need ;1 small onion chopped;2 stalks of celery diced;2 carrots diced;Salt;Black Pepper;1 tablespoon of Bells Poultry Seasoning;2 chicken legs;2 chicken thighs;1 chicken breast;4 cups of chicken broth;2 cups of water;1/2 cup of beef broth;;For The Meatballs:;;1 lb of chicken breast ground-up ;(you can buy it already ground-up or chop a chicken breast yourself.);Salt ;Black Pepper;1 egg (my rule is one egg per pound), ;½ cup of grated cheese– Parmigiano-Reggiano or Romano, ;½ cup of bread crumbs.;;Kinds of pasta or grains that can be used are:Tortellini ; Rice; Small pasta such as:;; Orso;Ditalini; Orecchiette;Pastina;; Any of these will do, just remember – adding them in the soup will absorb the broth – I suggest after cooking the pasta, or grains spoon into the individual bowls then ladle the soup in each bowl;” ]In a large pot add 2 Tablespoons of olive oil heat that through about a minute, add the Mirepoix ( I use the Trader Joe’ s brand; I use the entire container, if I had to guess the amount, it is probably 1 cup of onions and ½ cup each of celery and carrots. Sautee until softened; add a pinch of salt and black pepper, followed by a large pinch or 1 Tablespoon of Bells Poultry Seasoning.;; Once it is softened, and you can smell the aroma of this base everywhere, I add my meat. Chicken legs and thighs for my family of four I add 2 or 3 legs and thighs. I let them cook in the mirepoix for about two or three minutes; I then add my stocks and liquids four cups of chicken broth, 2 cups of water and ½ of cup of beef broth. I season with salt and pepper, about 1 or 2 teaspoons of each.; At this point, skim off any of the fat or foam that rises to the top.;;In a bowl, I have 1 lb. of chicken breast ground up. Season with a very small pinch of salt and black pepper, one egg (my rule is one egg per pound), ½ cup of grated cheese– Parmigiano-Reggiano or Romano, a little less than ½ cup of bread crumbs. With clean hands you mix all the ingredients together once everything is mixed, clean your hands again, and in a tiny bowl put in warm water, dip your fingers in the warm water and start forming tiny meatballs. The picture above was the size I came up with and probably on the large size in my mother’s opinion, With 1 lb. of chop meat I formed about 40 meatballs (yes I keep count- it’s a game I play and compete with myself LOL);;In the meantime, your soup is bubbling away and this wonderful aroma permeates the kitchen; lower the heat and add the meatballs gently; when all are added, stir the soup and simmer for about an hour, or an hour and ½. ;; When you are ready to eat the soup, bring a large pot of water to a boil; add a nice palm full of salt to the water, add 1 lb. of tortellini, follow instructions on the bag (usually once they rise in the water they are ready. (I get the tortellini in the frozen section.) Drain your tortellini and spoon into bowls; ladle the soup into bowls over the tortellini. Tortellini are stuffed with cheese or veal either one is fine; whatever tortellini is left over once cooled can be added to the remainder of the soup. You can add black pepper and a sprinkle of grated cheese in your soup. Serve with warm bread and a salad.;; If you are not planning to eat the soup that day pour the soup into a plastic container without the tortellini, and freeze – it could be frozen for about one week. The tortellini or any other pasta or rice should be made on the day you are going to eat the soup.[/lt_recipe]


Mangia, Mangia….No Talk!


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