A look back….

A look back….


 I think everyone knows this about me…but I am officially announcing it:
I love Spaghetti
Can you tell!

Mangia, Mangia…No Talk!

0 thoughts on “A look back….”

  • i LOVE these pictures!
    i'm also a spaghetti lover . . . but I've never looked that adorable eating it!!!
    i can only imagine what your whole house must smell like all the time. like HEAVEN!
    you have set the bar extremely high for james's wife when he marries! she'll need help!
    XOXO have a fabulous weekend dear heart. mangia mangia!!! XOXO

  • Thank you, whoever she will be will kiss the ground I walk on (LOL) because I hope I am raising a boy that will respect, love and cherish the woman he marries, understands that it is a partnership and the the 2 will make it work. I hope that she will know what he likes and respects it. And if I am not around he can also cook a meal!
    hope you had a wonderful and restful weekend!
    XO Marisa

  • Marisa,

    Are those Hostess Cupcakes, I spot, with candles on them?! LOVE these! Have eaten more than my fair share while growing up in Toronto! Who doesn't love spaghetti? You obviously knew what you liked from a very early age!;-)

    Have a super week!


  • Dewena it would be a lovely feast wouldn't it ? All of us gathered at the table and enjoying some pasta….now if only we can share this wonderful meal over at Poppy's and hang out in lovely Greece …oh my; LOL one can dream…I am sorry that my comment concerns you…look we all have regrets and it is work to get past them some are easier ( like I have no regrets with past boyfriends, LOL, I don't have any regrets for not having any children ; because these kids are mine we were just misplaced i feel that to my core, and all is right in that area…and still there is something that gnaws me and yes I could say it's my career, or my finances, or I am in the wrong place but it is not those things, I really don't know…I know something is not right but until I find out what it is nothing will feel right) Whoa I said a mouthful huh? The thing is I believe I will never find out because the truth is once I know that I am living my destiny and full potential nothing in the past would matter in fact everything in the past would make sense. Thank you for the compliments that is my goal to get to 70 and have the same smile my Nonna has that are the pictures I posted….BTW the Thanksgiving table for me is a wonderful table one needs to approach this table with Grace, Gratitude, and humility…but I am so annoyed because so many of my peers wants to eat and run to the next holiday…. I will post about this! Thanks for stopping by!

  • Marisa, I feel like my comment here, following Tam's and Poppy's, is a special friends' gathering. Don't you wish all 4 of us could get together? Wouldn't we have fun?

    Is there anything more comforting than pasta? or more satisfying? Did you ever see that old movie where Meryl is married to Jack (Nicholson) and she's a cookbook author–Heartburn? And they eat a bowl of spaghetti carbonara together in bed. I loved that! I did read somewhere that it is not truly Italian but rather a G.I. Joe's WW II dish where pasta and bacon and eggs were some of the only ingredients available when they were stationed there. Do you know the history of it?

    Anyway, I appreciated your comment on my blog today and wished I could have emailed you back because while I understand your thoughts, and have lived there myself way too much, don't you dare keep thinking that way. The past is over. You are what you are today and as far as your future, I know emphatically that your children when they are grown will rise up and call you blessed just like the woman from Proverbs. Young lady, and to me that's what you are!, you have got to start believing in yourself now. Do not reach 70, that I am, and still be thinking like that.

    You are such an intelligent person, your comments on my blog and others revealed that to me, early on. And creative and hardworking and loving. And that is what it's all about. That is a good life. So it's only onward and upward from now on. End of lecture! Pretend like I'm your Nona telling you this.


  • Marisa, I just thought to check back to this post after reading your current one and am glad I did. It helps me to understand better what you were feeling. I think one of the hardest things in the world is to figure out what you really want. It took me a long, long time. And of course, what I want is always affected by realities in my life at each stage.

    You're a wise woman. It will all make sense some day.


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